What is Block Therapy? – The Practice

As discussed in the two previous blogs, Block Therapy addresses the adhesions and frozen tissue in the fascia system.  Diaphragmatic breathing and the diaphragm are the furnace that warm the core. The combination of the Block and diaphragmatic breath, melts through adhesions and restrictions, bringing our cells, and our bodies, back into alignment. You will…

New Year Message for 2020

Reflecting back on this journey, I feel blessed to be a part of a community that is so strong and supportive. This process began for me at the turn of the century, and 20 years later, we have over 120 teachers and tens of thousands of people receiving the benefits of this practice. This is…

Teacher Feature – Kristine Wattis

Kristine was one of the first students to enroll in our on-line university and has been with us through thick and thin. Kristine keeps a close watch on what goes on around us and on numerous occasions she brought my attention to a needed concern, always keeping the integrity of the company in the forefront. Kristine…

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