How Block Therapy Benefits Stress

Stress is a state of being that affects the entire body. In a nutshell, pain, fear and stress cause us to re-actively hold the breath. If stress is momentary, there is benefit to this as it affects the adrenal glands, which produce hormones necessary to help you respond in a moment of danger. However, if…

Here’s to an Amazing 2019!

I love the end of year. It gives you the opportunity to look back and see if relationships were honored, if progress and growth matched expectations, and to see if steps forward were taken on your own evolution. I have to say that I am most excited about the Block Therapy Community. For years I…

Block Therapy and Fatty Liver Disease

NAFLD – Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease is one of the fastest growing concerns among North Americans. It has increased dramatically over the past 30 years. Some reasons for this are that we often eat for convenience rather than health, our portions size has dramatically increased and we have become more sedentary. But there is…

How Block Therapy Benefits the Jaw

Tension in the jaw is something I have known very well. There was a time when I was under so much stress, filled with anxiety, that I had to think and almost force to open my mouth. What I know today is that there were a number of factors that took me/my body/fascia to that…

Fascia is the Key to Better Flexibility

The key to keeping your body fluid and flexible is to understand the fascia and how it glues to bone over time. From incorrect posture and breathing, and injury and/or surgery, scar tissue and compressed fascia adheres to bone with a force up to 2000 pounds per square inch. Stretching alone can’t release this tension…

Fascia and the Connection to Concussions

Concussions, if not treated properly, can leave a person with many challenges. The blow to the head creates damage and debris and inflammation within resulting in pressure in the skull. This needs to be addressed so healing can take place. Pain, fear and stress cause you to reactively hold the breath. This is the first…

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