Certifícate como Fascia Master en
Block Therapy University!

  • Se el primer instructor en ofrecer esta revolucionaria practica de salud y bienestar en tu comunidad.
  • Desarrolla múltiples actividades para generar ingresos
  • Obtén la libertad de diseñar tu propio estilo y metodología de enseñanza
  • Se parte de una comunidad de apoyo que está disponible para asistirte y guiarte en tu desarrollo

Tus Opciones Para Comenzar en el Block Therapy University

+ Instructor Terapia de Bloque

+ El Negocio de la Terapia de Bloque

Pre-requisitos de Certificació

  • 18 años o má
  • Aprobar todos los exámenes
  • Demonstrar pasión por la enseñanza en la Terapia de Bloqu
  • Seguro de responsabilidad (estudiantes sin cobertura, podrán accesar nuestro Seguro de responsabilidad para la Terapia de Bloque)
  • Certificación CPR
  • Firmar contrato con Block Therapy University antes de comenzar a instruir las clases

Deanna Hansen

Founder of Block Therapy

& Fluid Isometrics

Certified Athletic Therapist

About Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a Certified Athletic Therapist and founder of Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, a bodywork practice that is meditation, exercise and therapy all in one. Deanna began her practice as an Athletic Therapist in 1995, always focusing on deep tissue work. She built up a thriving practice, as her strong hands could work out the deep knots in tissue. Unfortunately, as successful as her business was, Deanna’s physical health and mental wellbeing were eluding her.

In 2000, Deanna experienced a major breakthrough. Her large, heavy body stored much pain and she felt weighed down and depressed. While experiencing the worst of a series of anxiety attacks, Deanna intuitively pushed her hand into her abdomen and, at that moment, began a path of self-discovery. In a short period of time, Deanna’s body began to change. The weight was dropping, the chronic pain and issues were improving and, most importantly, the depression and anxiety disappeared. She immediately began applying this to her existing patients and the results were immediate and outstanding.

Here is Deanna's Story - How Block Therapy Began

let's get in touch

We really look forward to meeting you!

We would love to hear from you if you have any questions.  You are beginning an incredible journey with our community.

Phone number

Toll Free: 1-844-274-3666

Email Address


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