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Full-Body Fascia Decompression

9-Part Video Series

Begin supporting your fascia health today with this comprehensive 9-part instructional video series.

This 9-part video series introduces you to the principles of Fascia Decompression and walks you through positions & strengthening exercises using just a towel as your tool to improve oxygenation to cells and decompress your fascia for immediate relief and effect in just minutes. 

Begin supporting your fascia health today with this comprehensive 9-part instructional video series.

This 9 video series introduces you to the principles of Fascia Decompression and walks you through positions and strengthening exercises using just a towel as your tool to improve oxygenation to cells and decompress your fascia for immediate relief and effect in just minutes. 

What You Will Learn

  • The theory behind releasing your compressed fascia to promote blood and oxygen flow throughout your entire body
  • How to release fascial tension in your legs to help manage pain in your back 
  • Align and strengthen the lower body to bring a sense of balance and symmetry to your legs
  • Release your lower legs, one of the main cause sites for every misalignment in the body, even issues with headaches and shoulder pain
  • Fascia release techniques to improve the range of motion and alignment in the shoulders
  • The importance of the alignment of the hands and its impact on the shoulder joints as well as the muscles of the upper back and neck
  • Fascia decompression and alignment training to improve your posture
  • Why connecting to and strengthening your diaphragmatic breath is critical for overall health


Thank you for this sample series. I loved the simplicity of the therapy and I found I felt immediate benifits. Deeper breath , more flexibility a sense of more space in my joints and more comfortable in my body. The instructions very clear and easy to follow.

I loved the program. I really appreciate the step by step guidance through each position. Also, tracking how far I am along in the program was very helpful.

I enjoyed the starter program and look forward to learning and experiencing more.

It was incredible. I've started to noticed a difference in my body shape. I'll be ordering the blocks today. Thank you

I’m not quite finished but loving it so far!

Feel so much more open now and less compressed. I didn't even realize one could feel so much better until you do the exercises!

Love it! Best thing ever! Trying to do these exercises each day. Thank you!

I did the 9 day sampler. Felt serious shifting and releasing in my body. I just ordered the Big block and program and I'm excited to experience the changes and improvements. I'm going to share this!!

It’s really helped me to move better and easier and with less pain

About Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation and a best-selling author in the wellness space. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, unique fascia-release techniques to help relieve chronic pain and dis-ease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse the aging process.

With these simple, step-by-step protocols, you’ll combine diaphragmatic breathing and deep tissue work to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia, oxygenate cells, rebuild postural foundations, and, ultimately, reverse chronic structural and emotional issues.

When Deanna isn’t guiding thousands of eager students in the art of fascia decompression for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, she’s writing best-selling books and sharing her life-changing expertise on other educational platforms.

About Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation and a best-selling author in the wellness space. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, unique fascia-release techniques to help relieve chronic pain and dis-ease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse the aging process.

With these simple, step-by-step protocols, you’ll combine diaphragmatic breathing and deep tissue work to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia, oxygenate cells, rebuild postural foundations, and, ultimately, reverse chronic structural and emotional issues.

When Deanna isn’t guiding thousands of eager students in the art of fascia decompression for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, she’s writing best-selling books and sharing her life-changing expertise on other educational platforms.

9-Part Full-Body
Fascia Decompression Video Series

($47 Value)

Stories of Transformation

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