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Flatter Belly Sequence | Beginner | IMAGES


Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is on the belly button and will directly affect the intestines, liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas. As, over time, we lose our inner space due to tissue compression, this area becomes backlogged with undigested food, waste and inflammation. You may feel a pulse, the aorta, as you lie in this position and will likely feel discomfort and/or pain.

As long as you are breathing you are feeding and healing the tissue. If you cannot lie in this position and breathe fluidly then try lying with the block on a mattress to give you some cushioning.

If you only have 5 minutes/day to focus on your health, this is what I recommend as breathing diaphragmatically feeds the body 600% more oxygen than breathing through the chest muscles.

Always inhale and exhale through the nose.


Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is placed on the lower ribs. Resting either on your elbows or flat, the focus is to exhale fully by squeezing the belly small. You want to imagine the belly button is making contact with the front of the spine.

This position directly affects the liver, gallbladder, stomach, pancreas, heart, lungs and diaphragm. This position is of particular importance as, due to years of unconscious breathing, we lose the proper foundation to support the rib cage causing the upper body to collapse into the core. This compresses the organs affecting blood flow and restricts the diaphragm from working optimally.

When the diaphragm is working, the action of breathing gives the internal organs a continual massage. This is how we regulate our internal temperature ensuring we keep the body warm throughout. When we collapse into the core this compression causes a “freezing” of tissue and a slowing down of function. This is an unhealthy state for the body and results in pain, aging and disease.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Lower Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is positioned under the left lower ribs and the focus is to exhale fully. We are directly affecting the stomach, spleen, diaphragm, heart and left lung and aorta. As we fall into the core from unconscious breathing, we do so in a spiral fashion as we are dominant on one side. As 70% of the population is right-handed, to keep the right side free for action, we collapse into the left side. This collapse can seal us out of alignment with a force up to 2000 lbs/square inch. As this is where the aorta lives, the tunnel for blood to leave the heart and feed the entire body, it is crucial that we create the space we have lost over time so there is nothing blocking the flow.

You want to search for the pain and melt through it with the Block Buddy™ and the breath, as pain equals restriction in the body. Unconscious breathing and the resultant collapse, causes the ribs to fuse together. To have freedom of movement and function, the ribs need to be flexible.

Searching for and melting through the pain is the solution to gain freedom in this area.

Inhale and exhale through the nose. (This is my favourite position)

Left Side Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is positioned under the left lower ribs and the focus is to exhale fully. We are directly affecting the stomach, spleen, diaphragm, heart and left lung and aorta.

As we fall into the core from unconscious breathing, we do so in a spiral fashion as we are dominant on one side. As 70% of the population is right-handed, to keep the right side free for action, we collapse into the left side. This collapse can seal us out of alignment with a force up to 2000 lbs/square inch. As this is where the aorta lives, the tunnel for blood to leave the heart and feed the entire body, it is crucial that we create the space we have lost over time so there is nothing blocking the flow.

Searching for and melting through the pain is the solution to gain freedom in this area.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Lower Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is positioned under the right lower ribs and the focus is to exhale fully. This directly affects the liver, gallbladder, diaphragm and right lung.

As the tissue of the liver and gallbladder begin to freeze from years of incorrect posture and breathing, fat isn’t broken down and distributed throughout the body. Every system in the body requires metabolized fat molecules to function optimally, so heating up this area through conscious breathing and compression with the Block Buddy™ is of paramount importance to our health and appearance.

You want to search for pain and melt through restriction with the Block Buddy™ and full conscious exhalation. Unconscious breathing and the resultant collapse, causes the ribs to freeze together. To have freedom of movement and function, the ribs need to be flexible. Take care and exhale fully when coming off the Block Buddy™. The lower ribs are like pokers in the tissue so to avoid excessive pain you need to be conscious as you come out of this position.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Side Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the liver, right lung, shoulder blade and lymph nodes and the focus is on the exhalation.

Due to the forward, unconscious collapse of the rib cage, the shoulder blades roll up and out, causing a rounding of the upper body. The shoulder blades freeze to the ribs and block the lymph nodes from receiving energy and blood flow. Any pain or symptoms in the arm and hand is directly connected to this alignment as well as issues with breast tissue.

The liver is also directly affected and as many have fatty liver disease, this is an excellent area to melt. Fat, when heated, becomes a liquid. Lying in this position with the Block Buddy™ while massaging the organs with proper diaphragmatic breathing is a very efficient way to melt the fat.

Search for pain and melt through restrictions with the full, conscious exhalation. You are creating space between the ribs and melting the tissue that is holding the shoulder blade out of alignment. To get deeper between the ribs you can extend the arm above your head. Take care when coming off the Block Buddy™, ensuring you fully exhale with the movement.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Lower Belly

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the organs of reproduction and elimination, the low back, hip joints, and the legs.

Due to years of incorrect posture and unconscious breathing, the alignment of the pelvis and the structures it houses becomes displaced. Notice how people shift their body weight to one side, creating an asymmetry. This causes the tissue to grip onto bony surfaces with the goal of creating stability in the body. Unfortunately, blockages result.

Place the Block Buddy™ just above the pubic bone and focus on the full exhalation. Search for the areas of pain and stay with them so as to melt through restrictions, which block blood and energy flow. This area can be incredibly thick and dense, especially if you have had surgeries. When you inhale, feel the lower belly moving into the block, thereby connecting more deeply into the diaphragmatic breath.

Personally, I do this when I am menstruating as the pressure relieves my cramping. Listen to your body and use your breath as your guide. If this doesn’t feel right for you wait until your cycle has finished.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Hip Flexor

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joints, organs of reproduction and elimination and legs.

Notice how many people stand and walk with their feet angled outward, like a duck. This is an indicator of the hip flexors having shortened. Wherever there is a shortening in the body, another area is under tension, and in this case the lower back. Also, the main blood and nerve supply for the legs run through this space so a shortening translates to a blockage for blood and energy flow.This can be a challenging area to position the Block Buddy™ as everybody is shaped differently as is each side of the body due to asymmetry. You want to find the space between the pubic bone and hip bone, so depending on your size and shape you will need to play with the Block Buddy™, trying it in different positions until you feel it in the right spot. Basically, as long as you are feeling pain, you have found restriction. You may feel a flood of heat down the leg, an indicator of improving blood flow. Your breath is your guide, as long as you can breathe in a relaxed manner, you are feeding and healing the tissue.

Always inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Side Hip

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joints, organs of reproduction and elimination, and legs.

Our asymmetrical stance causes the hip joints to fall out of balance, resulting in displacement. The pelvis operates as a swivel, so when we shift our posture to one side, one hip moves toward the outer socket, while the other gets pulled closer to mid-line. The resultant wear and tear is the chief cause of arthritis. Re-aligning the pelvis will prevent further damage and help to repair the cartilage.

This position can be very painful for some, especially on the side where the joint has moved toward the outer socket. Remember to respect your limits – use your breath as your guide. If the floor is too painful, do the exercise on a mattress.

Place the Block Buddy flat, right on the hip joint. Allow your body to sink in; connect to the full exhalation. Now you can begin exploring the tissue for pain with micro movements: rocking forward and backward. The slower you move, the deeper you go. Once you find that painful position, hold for 3 full exhalations before moving to another spot. Notice the sensations. Increased pain shows where the restrictions lie. Comfort is essential, so do whatever helps you relax. Prop up your body with pillows if necessary.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Buttock

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joint, sciatic nerve and legs.

Unconscious posture is wreaking havoc on the health and appearance of the population, and one of the main contributors is the lack of awareness we give to the buttocks. These muscles are incredibly strong and in part, are designed to be a stabilizing foundation for the body. However, we have lost the connection to this foundation, resulting in an inner collapse. The body creates false foundations from compressed tissue in an attempt to create stability but the outcome is an imbalanced, asymmetrical body with many blockages restricting blood and energy flow.

Position the Block Buddy™ in such a way that you feel stable. Most people want to place the Block Buddy™ too low, where the leg attaches to the pelvis. It should be placed higher up in the center of the buttock. There are many layers of frozen tissue and we want to sink as deeply as possible. Exhale fully as you slowly move, exploring the pain. You can rock the body left to right or move the leg in and out.

Inhale and exhale through the nose. (This is my favourite position)

Right Hip Flexor

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joints, organs of reproduction and elimination and legs.

Notice how many people stand and walk with their feet angled outward, like a duck. This is an indicator of the hip flexors having shortened. Wherever there is a shortening in the body, another area is under tension, and in this case the lower back. Also, the main blood and nerve supply for the legs run through this space so a shortening translates to a blockage for blood and energy flow.

This can be a challenging area to position the Block Buddy™ as everybody is shaped differently as is each side of the body due to asymmetry. You want to find the space between the pubic bone and hip bone, so depending on your size and shape you will need to play with the Block Buddy™, trying it in different positions until you feel it in the right spot. Basically, as long as you are feeling pain, you have found restriction. You may feel a flood of heat down the leg, an indicator of improving blood flow. Your breath is your guide, as long as you can breathe in a relaxed manner, you are feeding and healing the tissue.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Side Hip

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joints, organs of reproduction and elimination, and legs.

Our asymmetrical stance causes the hip joints to fall out of balance, resulting in displacement. The pelvis operates as a swivel, so when we shift our posture to one side, one hip moves toward the outer socket, while the other gets pulled closer to mid-line. The resultant wear and tear is the chief cause of arthritis. Re-aligning the pelvis will prevent further damage and help to repair the cartilage.

This position can be very painful for some, especially on the side where the joint has moved toward the outer socket. Remember to respect your limits – use your breath as your guide. If the floor is too painful, do the exercise on a mattress.

Place the Block Buddy flat, right on the hip joint. Allow your body to sink in; connect to the full exhalation. Now you can begin exploring the tissue for pain with micro movements: rocking forward and backward. The slower you move, the deeper you go. Once you find that painful position, hold for 3 full exhalations before moving to another spot. Notice the sensations. Increased pain shows where the restrictions lie. Comfort is essential, so do whatever helps you relax. Prop up your body with pillows if necessary.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Buttock

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joint, sciatic nerve and legs.

Unconscious posture is wreaking havoc on the health and appearance of the population, and one of the main contributors is the lack of awareness we give to the buttocks. These muscles are incredibly strong and in part, are designed to be a stabilizing foundation for the body. However, we have lost the connection to this foundation, resulting in an inner collapse. The body creates false foundations from compressed tissue in an attempt to create stability but the outcome is an imbalanced, asymmetrical body with many blockages restricting blood and energy flow.

Position the Block Buddy™ in such a way that you feel stable. Most people want to place the Block Buddy™ too low, where the leg attaches to the pelvis. It should be placed higher up in the center of the buttock. There are many layers of frozen tissue and we want to sink as deeply as possible. Exhale fully as you slowly move, exploring the pain. You can rock the body left to right or move the leg in and out.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Anterior Waist

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The area directly affects the stomach, spleen, intestines and the focus is to exhale fully.

As the rib cage collapses into the core, there is a displacement of organs and a slowing down of digestion and elimination. This freezing of the tissue in a forward direction also puts stress on the low back. The “spare tire” many of us accumulate as we age is also a function of displaced tissue, more so than actual fat storage.

This position gets very deep into the core so make sure you are supported properly with your legs or even prop up yourself with pillows if necessary, and respect your limits, using your breath as your guide. As you begin to melt, slow the breath down so to strengthen the diaphragm.

Take care coming off the Block Buddy™ as the floating ribs are going through a change in position. Consciously exhale as you move out of this position.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Side Waist

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the stomach, spleen, left kidney and adrenal gland, intestines and lower back and the focus is to exhale fully.

N.B. – It is important to be cautious when getting on and off the block in this position as the space in this area has been greatly compromised due to the collapse of the rib cage. The goal is to put the space back through melting the tissue, but keep in mind, the floating ribs are like pokers and we will be changing their position. So move slowly and consciously when getting on and off the Block Buddy™.

This area will help to release back pain and will greatly improve elimination. It will also lengthen the ribs away from the hip, helping to create an hourglass figure. You can rock forward and backward to move deeper into the tissue, and the slower you move the more effective you will be.

Inhale and exhale through the nose. (This is my favourite position)

Right Anterior Waist

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the liver, gallbladder and intestines and the focus is to exhale fully.

As the rib cage collapses into the core, there is a displacement of organs and a slowing down of digestion and elimination. This freezing of the tissue in a forward direction also puts stress on the low back. The “spare tire” many of us accumulate as we age is also a function of displaced tissue, more so than actual fat storage.

This position gets very deep into the core so make sure you are supported properly with your legs or even prop up yourself with pillows if necessary, Respect your limits, using your breath as your guide. As you begin to melt, slow the breath down so to strengthen the diaphragm.

Take care coming off the Block Buddy™ as the floating ribs are going through a change in position. Consciously exhale as you move out of this position.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Side Waist

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the liver, right kidney and adrenal gland, intestines and lower back and the focus is to exhale fully.

N.B. – It is important to be cautious when getting on and off the Block Buddy™ in this position as the space in this area has been greatly compromised due to the collapse of the rib cage. The goal is to put the space back through melting the tissue, but keep in mind, the floating ribs are like pokers and we will be changing their position. Move slowly and consciously and use your breath as your guide.

This position will help to release back pain and will greatly improve elimination. It will also lengthen the ribs away from the hip, helping to create an hourglass figure. You can rock forward and backward to move deeper into the tissue, and the slower you move the more effective you will be.

Inhale and exhale through the nose. (This is my favourite position)


Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the low back, hip joints and pelvis.

People are continually aging in a forward, rotational direction due to unconscious breathing and posture. To rebalance, it is necessary to move into a backbend to lengthen the front body and to create space and improve blood and energy flow.

To get into this position, place your feet on the ground, lift the pelvis, and place the Block Buddy directly under the sacrum. Straighten your legs if it feels comfortable to do so and place your hands at your side, palms up, or on your belly. Breathe fully, feeling the belly rise with the inhalation, and exhale fully by squeezing the belly small. When you are done, place your feet back on the floor and lift the pelvis, remove the Block Buddy and let the body rest back on the earth for a few more breaths.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Mid Back

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the kidneys and adrenal glands, diaphragm, rib cage, heart, lungs, neck and thoracic spine.

It is only after melting through the front of the body, and becoming comfortable exploring your pain, that I recommend lying over the block on your back. We age in a forward, rotational manner and are held in that position at a force of 2000 lbs/square inch. If we do not create mobility first in the front, we can hurt ourselves lying on the back. Having said this, when you are ready to explore this position, it feels remarkable as we let the body drape and open over the Block Buddy™.

Before you lie on the Block Buddy™, first try it with a rolled up Yoga mat. It is the getting in and out of this position that is most challenging, so attempt it first with something softer. The Block Buddy™ should be just below the shoulder blades. When you are settled, put your hands to your side or on your belly and feel the breath moving through you. When you are ready to come off, roll to one side, with the exhalation, and take a few more breaths before coming up to a seated position.

Place the Block Buddy flat, right on the hip joint. Allow your body to sink in; connect to the full exhalation. Now you can begin exploring the tissue for pain with micro movements: rocking forward and backward. The slower you move, the deeper you go. Once you find that painful position, hold for 3 full exhalations before moving to another spot. Notice the sensations. Increased pain shows where the restrictions lie. Comfort is essential, so do whatever helps you relax. Prop up your body with pillows if necessary.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

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