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Right Shoulder Pain Relief | Beginner | IMAGES


Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is on the belly button and will directly affect the intestines, liver, gallbladder, stomach and pancreas. As, over time, we lose our inner space due to tissue compression, this area becomes backlogged with undigested food, waste and inflammation. You may feel a pulse, the aorta, as you lie in this position and will likely feel discomfort and/or pain.

As long as you are breathing you are feeding and healing the tissue. If you cannot lie in this position and breathe fluidly then try lying with the block on a mattress to give you some cushioning.

We always need to stay for a minimum of 3 minutes to get the desired “melting” effect and to breathe more space and life back into the body.

If you only have 5 minutes/day to focus on your health, this is what I recommend as breathing diaphragmatically feeds the body 600% more oxygen then breathing through the chest muscles.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Lower Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is positioned under the left lower ribs and the focus is to exhale fully. We are directly affecting the stomach, spleen, diaphragm, heart and left lung and aorta. As we fall into the core from unconscious breathing, we do so in a spiral fashion as we are dominant on one side. As 70% of the population is right-handed, to keep the right side free for action, we collapse into the left side. This collapse can seal us out of alignment with a force up to 2000 lbs/square inch. As this is where the aorta lives, the tunnel for blood to leave the heart and feed the entire body, it is crucial that we create the space we have lost over time so there is nothing blocking the flow.

You want to search for the pain and melt through it with the Block Buddy™ and the breath, as pain equals restriction in the body. Unconscious breathing and the resultant collapse, causes the ribs to fuse together. To have freedom of movement and function, the ribs need to be flexible.

Searching for and melting through the pain is the solution to gain freedom in this area.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Left Side Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

The Block Buddy™ is positioned under the left lower ribs and the focus is to exhale fully. We are directly affecting the stomach, spleen, diaphragm, heart and left lung and aorta.

As we fall into the core from unconscious breathing, we do so in a spiral fashion as we are dominant on one side. As 70% of the population is right-handed, to keep the right side free for action, we collapse into the left side. This collapse can seal us out of alignment with a force up to 2000 lbs/square inch. As this is where the aorta lives, the tunnel for blood to leave the heart and feed the entire body, it is crucial that we create the space we have lost over time so there is nothing blocking the flow.

You want to search for the pain and melt through it with the Block Buddy™ and the breath, as pain equals restriction in the body. Unconscious breathing and the resultant collapse, causes the ribs to fuse together. To have freedom of movement and function, the ribs need to be flexible.

Searching for and melting through the pain is the solution to gain freedom in this area.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.


Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the heart, lungs, mid and upper back.

As the rib cage collapses forward over time, the heart and lungs get pushed to the back of the body, squishing the organs so they don’t have the space to receive optimal amounts of blood and energy flow. The forward collapse also stresses the mid and upper back as these muscles are fighting the 2000lbs/square inch force of the frozen tissue that is holding the body out of alignment.

Place your sternum over the Block Buddy™ in whatever position you prefer. Anyone with allergies, asthma or a heart condition will greatly benefit from this position. As 70 % of the alveoli, the receptor sites for oxygen, live at the base of the lungs, we need to melt the restrictions in the rib cage and focus on exhaling fully by squeezing the belly small. This will allow the breath to be pulled deep into the lungs so the body can receive optimal amounts of oxygen.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Upper Ribs

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the lungs, thyroid, major lymphatic drainage sites, heart, neck, jaw, upper back, carotid arteries and all the structures in the head.

The Block Buddy™ is directly positioned on the muscles that we unconsciously use, to breathe. As we tax these muscles with a job they are not designed to do, they exhaust and become hard and frozen. This affects everything in the head and neck and the result is devastating to our health and appearance.

You can rest your head on the ground or extend your neck forward to get a stretch in the front of the neck. This is a very hard area and significant pressure, with the breath can be applied. This area for some is very painful, for others it feels good as the hard tissue is screaming for energy and blood flow. Respect your limits and use your breath as your guide. As you exhale the pain from the body, smile and notice the difference in sensation.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Pectoral

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the right lung, heart, lymph nodes, thyroid, right carotid artery, arm and hand, neck and jaw and breast tissue.

This area is especially important if you sit in front of a computer throughout the day. The forward slump most people have creates congestion and blockage in this area and has a devastating effect on our health and appearance.

The major lymphatic drainage sites are under the collarbones, as are the carotid arteries, the roadways supplying blood to the brain, eyes, skin, ears and hair. You can simply rest on the Block Buddy™ in this position with the breath, or you can move the arm around, allowing a deeper melting of the frozen tissue to occur.

As there are so many layers of interlocking frozen tissue, we can be quite aggressive with the tissue, but your breath is your guide. As long as you are breathing, you are feeding and healing the tissue. If you move in with so much force that you can’t breathe in a relaxed way, you need to approach this area more gently.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Armpit

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the lymph nodes, right shoulder joint, neck, jaw, right arm and hand. Due to the collapse of the upper body, the shoulder blades roll up and out causing the alignment of the arms and hands to be incorrect. Overuse injuries such as tennis elbow and carpal tunnel result as the incorrect alignment creates a wear and tear on tissue.

The incorrect shoulder alignment also causes a tugging on the neck and jaw resulting in tension and pain. Melting through the restrictions allows the body the release back to a more correct alignment, relieving pressure and tension, and improving blood flow.

You can rock forward and backward on the Block Buddy™, searching for restrictions and melting them with the exhalation, and you can move the arm around, slowly, to get even deeper into the layers of frozen tissue.

It is common for the hand to go numb when in this position, and would be an indicator that the roadways for blood and nerve flow are blocked.

By melting this tissue, the flow will improve to the arm and hand.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Deltoid

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position is going to improve blood flow to the arm and hand, as well to re-align muscle tissue. The humerus, or upper arm bone rolls in due to the collapse of the rib cage and subsequent mal-alignment of the shoulder blade, and the tissue in the arm freezes to the bone, blocking blood flow. This freezing of tissue changes the function and appearance of the muscles, causing a restriction in range of motion of the shoulder joint and creating poor tone in the upper arm.

Please note the positioning of my arm in relation to my body. You want the elbow to be beneath or even behind the body, not in front as that will congest the tissue and structures in the armpit. You may want to get some pillows to prop under your head so you can be in a relaxed position.

You can move the Block Buddy™ down the arm to affect as much tissue as possible, using your breath as your guide to how much pressure you can handle. You can also rock forward and backward searching for pain, thereby melting through the restrictions in the area.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Neck

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position will directly affect your sinuses, eyes, skin, and all the structures within the head.

People are dominant on one side of the body, which includes the eyes, ears, jaw, and brain. This results in an asymmetry of the head and face. Look in the mirror and notice which eye sits higher. Asymmetry causes aging. As tissue grips to bone in an attempt to create stability, blood and energy flow are blocked to the organs, skin and all surrounding tissue.

There can be significant pain in this area so move slowly over the Block Buddy™ while exhaling fully. Expressions are held on the face that has been created over a lifetime so we can’t rush this work. The melting of tissue from the bone requires patience, but the result is worth it.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Forearm

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position will directly affect any issues with the elbow, wrist, and hand.

As the collapse of the rib cage into the core causes a mal-alignment of the shoulder joint and upper arm, it also affects the alignment of the bones in the forearm, wrist, and hand. Everything is interconnected. The area becomes frozen, hard and congested from unconscious posture so this placement will help to create the space that was lost from years of misuse and take note of the placement of my forearm. You want to position the Block Buddy™ between the rib cage and forearm, using the weight of the body to create the pressure necessary for the arm. You can open and close the fist to move deeper into the tissue while exhaling fully in order to get the most efficient melting effect.

Sometimes the hand may go numb temporarily and there can be significant pain and tension here. Respect your limits with how much pressure you apply, using your breath as your guide.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

Right Hand

Duration: 3-5 minutes

This position directly affects the hand, forearm, upper arm and shoulder.

When doing this position, the goal is to have your hand in line with your shoulder to get the most pressure with the least amount of force. You are working to flatten the palm and create space between the bones in the hand.

Move from the thick muscle below the thumb – the Thenar muscle, to the muscle below the pinky – the Hypothenar muscle. When applying pressure into the area, twist slightly in either direction to dive deeper into the thick layers of fascia.

This will benefit issues such as carpal tunnel, arthritis in your hands, Dupuytren’s Contracture – to name a few.

Inhale and exhale through the nose.

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