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Full-Body Fascia Decompression

9-Part Video Series

Begin supporting your fascia health today with this comprehensive 9-part instructional video series.

This 9-part video series introduces you to the principles of Fascia Decompression and walks you through positions & strengthening exercises using just a towel as your tool to improve oxygenation to cells and decompress your fascia for immediate relief and effect in just minutes. 

Begin supporting your fascia health today with this comprehensive 9-part instructional video series.

This 9 video series introduces you to the principles of Fascia Decompression and walks you through positions and strengthening exercises using just a towel as your tool to improve oxygenation to cells and decompress your fascia for immediate relief and effect in just minutes. 

What You Will Learn

  • The theory behind releasing your compressed fascia to promote blood and oxygen flow throughout your entire body
  • How to release fascial tension in your legs to help manage pain in your back 
  • Align and strengthen the lower body to bring a sense of balance and symmetry to your legs
  • Release your lower legs, one of the main cause sites for every misalignment in the body, even issues with headaches and shoulder pain
  • Fascia release techniques to improve the range of motion and alignment in the shoulders
  • The importance of the alignment of the hands and its impact on the shoulder joints as well as the muscles of the upper back and neck
  • Fascia decompression and alignment training to improve your posture
  • Why connecting to and strengthening your diaphragmatic breath is critical for overall health


I tried the sampler program and it was great! The technique is very well explained and a great pace! I will be continuing with the block therapy program.

My Daughter introduced me to the samplet program and have now completed the 9 samples and will continue to use the sample program until I return to the US end of March Impressed with the presentation and trust it will help me to correct my body posture

I could feel the difference after even the first session! I look forward to more changes for the better as I continue on this journey!

Amazing program. I read the book months ago, but was reluctant to commit to membership without seeing if I could sustain the practice. I loved this sampler, and will sign up. You were both patient, calm, skillful teachers - thank you. I love the turnaround to lean into the pain. This body has fibromyalgia and hurts many places - look forward to leaning into all of them.

Thank you I feel better and more comfortable with breathing technique. Certainly not as tired when doing every day activity. My walking and balance has improved, today I will be sure how my arms and hands are placed when out and about for a walk. I am going to restart the program and research if anyone has scar damage on feet.

First time experiencing block therapy and I stuck with it thru the program. I will definitely fit a couple into my daily fitness routine. Thank you for the experience

I have bad posture and a trigger finger along with bunions All the problems to do with posture so it is very helpful for me . Thank you ! I had bought Deanna’s book many years ago A simple path to a whole new you and I was very interested in it .

I look forward to blocking each day. I think it will prove to be very helpful and it makes so much sense. I find it relaxing. I am more conscious about my posture, breathing and tongue placement. Just need to make more time for it.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the block sampler program. I’m taking my time to go through it as much to explore! It is a great introduction to this therapeutic practice. Simple yet informative and practical for beginners. Look forward to continuing this exploration and the healing that comes from it.

About Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation and a best-selling author in the wellness space. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, unique fascia-release techniques to help relieve chronic pain and dis-ease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse the aging process.

With these simple, step-by-step protocols, you’ll combine diaphragmatic breathing and deep tissue work to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia, oxygenate cells, rebuild postural foundations, and, ultimately, reverse chronic structural and emotional issues.

When Deanna isn’t guiding thousands of eager students in the art of fascia decompression for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, she’s writing best-selling books and sharing her life-changing expertise on other educational platforms.

About Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation and a best-selling author in the wellness space. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, unique fascia-release techniques to help relieve chronic pain and dis-ease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse the aging process.

With these simple, step-by-step protocols, you’ll combine diaphragmatic breathing and deep tissue work to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia, oxygenate cells, rebuild postural foundations, and, ultimately, reverse chronic structural and emotional issues.

When Deanna isn’t guiding thousands of eager students in the art of fascia decompression for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, she’s writing best-selling books and sharing her life-changing expertise on other educational platforms.

9-Part Full-Body
Fascia Decompression Video Series

($47 Value)

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