September 20-21, 2022

Heal Your Past | Live Your Present | Love Your Future

~ Harriet

Can I just tell you that I am BLOWN AWAY by all that you are offering these 2 days. It’s a huge generous offering.
It takes awhile to absorb it all and I hope it continues to be available for a little bit so we can watch the videos a couple of times. There’s so much here. And it’s all been so high quality, so valuable. And so needed at this very moment in our world.
Please send my thanks to all who are responsible for this summit. And for choosing to do it in this easy to use format. So generous to offer it at no cost. Wow.

FREE access to interviews with world renowned experts on trauma relief. 

Receive free gifts from our speakers to help you take action right away. 

Receive special offers to deepen your healing journey. 


David Berceli, PhD

Presentation: Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)
Creator of Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises (TRE)

Filippa Odevall

Presentation: My Journey Towards Healing Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Founder & Co-CEO of MoonRise Health

Dr. Karen Kan

Presentation: Rapid Inner Child Trauma Transformation
Founder of The Academy of Light Medicine™ & The TOLPAKAN™ Healing Method

Dr. Cathleen King

Presentation: Trauma Healing and Brain Retraining
Founder/CEO Primal Trust™ Academy & Community

Steve Wells

Presentation: Intention Tapping for Trauma
Founder of Steve Wells and Associates Pty Ltd

Prema McKeever

Presentation: Activate Your Inner Healing Resources
Somatic Practitioner & Trauma Therapist

Scott Kiloby

Presentation: A New Model of Recovery
Co-Founder of the Kiloby Inquiries

Dr. Judith Swack

Presentation: The Neurobiological Treatment of Trauma
President of Healing from the Body Level Up, Inc.

Edna Guzman

Presentation: Heal yourself, Heal your Trauma: The Neuro Linguistic Approach
President of Hacienda Renacer de Lares, Inc

Dr. Marlene Siegel

Presentation: Linking Dis-ease And Trauma For Fur Babies
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

Anthony Korahais

Presentation: Fascia, Self-healing, Qigong, Trauma.
Founder of Flowing Zen

Dr. Eric Robins

Presentation: Block Therapy Presents - Introduction to the Trauma Relief Summit
M.D. Urologist, Pelvic Pain Specialist and Co-author of “Your Hands can Heal You”

Registration Closed.
Block Therapy Trauma Relief Summit has come to an end.

~ Lisa

Really enjoying the content so far!!!!
Though I've been familiar with the concepts of trauma and it's wake, along with many energy and/or somatic modalities, for years (i.e. EFT/meridian tapping; Emotion Code/Body Code; BodyTalk; Donna Eden; EMDR, myofascial release; Gabor Mate's work, etc etc)...and I'm still learning more (and/or hearing things from different angles/perspectives) from these interviews!!


Deanna Hansen is the founder of Block Therapy and Fluid Isometrics. She began her practice as an Athletic Therapist in 1995, always focusing on deep tissue work. In 2000, she began an intuitive exploration on her own body and quickly understood how to move stuck energy, pain, trauma and toxins out of her body. She began applying this process to her clients, developing the technique she coined Fluid Isometrics.

Deanna’s journey working with individuals has been very rewarding, yet her true passion is to teach people how to self-care. Block Therapy is the solution. Deanna has taken what she did in the treatment room and translated it into a self-help practice using a specially designed bamboo or elm block, called the Block Buddy. This simple, efficient, and inexpensive approach is gaining credibility as people around the world are experiencing the benefits of Block Therapy and sharing with others.

Deanna’s work benefits people of all ages, as well as any condition. Focusing on the fascia system, her work teaches people to melt through adhesions and scar tissue, ultimately awakening cells previously blocked from blood and oxygen. From those with debilitating issues to the elite athlete, this work can be modified to address any situation.

Deanna has developed an online teacher-training program – Block Therapy University - so people around the world can teach in their communities and empower others to become their own health advocates. There are currently 230 people globally, either certified or going through the process.

Dr. Eric Robins, MD, is an internationally renowned health expert in Mind-Body Medicine, featured in the NY Times best selling series "The Tapping Solution", and in "Soul Medicine: Awakening Your Inner Blueprint for Abundant Health and Energy." He is the author of the foreword to numerous books including "The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief," "Tap Into Balance", "Tapping: Transform Your World," "The Secret Language of Feelings," "Life is the Perfect System," "Superbrain Yoga," "Miracles Through Pranic Healing, and "Flowing Zen: Finding True Healing Through Qigong." He is co-author of the highly acclaimed books "Your Hands Can Heal You," and "The Power of Prana," and a contributing author to both Dr. David Berceli's book, "Shake It Off Naturally," and Dr. Dawson Church's "The Heart of Healing."

Dr. Robins is a board-certified urologist in private practice and affiliated with a major hospital in Los Angeles. He sees patients regionally for chronic pelvic pain and other refractory/functional disorders, and integrates the best of both allopathic medicine as well as complimentary healing modalities. He received his MD degree from Baylor College of Medicine in 1989 and his BA in Biology from the University of Texas in Austin. Dr. Robins completed his training in urology at LA County-USC Medical Center in 1995.

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