Lots of examples given to be able to work on animals of differing sizes.
The banter between Deanna and Dr. Siegel is natural and unforced.
Where one finishes the other picks up.
Not boring.

*A Simple and Efficient Home Care Workshop Designed to Transform Your Pet’s Health,
Literally in Your Own Hands.
Online Workshop For Your Fur Family
Here's What's Included
You will learn techniques that can be applied to all areas of the body, and that can be done in bite size pieces. There are 5 main techniques shared on a variety of different size dogs and cats, to showcase different approaches for you to provide the Fascia Decompression techniques.
There are 8 modules to the program which consist of:
1. Introduction
This module shares several videos to prepare you for success with the program, including:
2. Grip and Grab
This module shares several videos showing the first technique called the Grip and Grab. This includes how to perform on a:
3. Aligning the Spine
This module shares several videos showing the second technique called Aligning the Spine. This includes how to perform on a:
4. Releasing the Joints
This module shares several videos showing the third technique called Releasing the Joints. This includes how to perform on a:
5. Tail Pull
This module shares several videos showing the fourth technique called the Tail Pull. This includes how to perform on a:
6. Ear Pull
This module shares several videos showing the fifth technique called the Ear Pull. This includes how to perform on a:
7. Creative Pet Protocols
This section provides a storyline of Dr, Siegel and Deanna working together on different dogs. We take you through several real-life cases, demonstrating how we performed the initial assessment, using the techniques to work the entire body, and most importantly, the results achieved in 2-3 sessions. In many cases the transformation was miraculous.
8. Inspiring True Stories of Health Transformation
This section shares stories of working on pets as we were embarking on the journey. Dr. Siegel and Deanna worked for months through Zoom calls to connect and develop the protocols. This is a timeline of other pets (including a 20-pound cat), where the techniques were developed and applied. This provides additional footage to assist you on your journey.
Receive FREE access to module #1 of Dr. Marlene Siegel's revolutionary training, The Empowered Pet Parent Course!
The Empowered Pet Parent Course Covers....
In depth coverage of detoxification for all 6 organs of elimination AND tools and treatments that pet owners can utilize at home!
Block Therapy Sampler Program
The Sampler Program consists of 9 videos where we share some of the basic principles of Block Therapy, using a rolled-up towel as the tool. This will give you an understanding of fascia decompression and how significant it is to work in your fascia for on-going health and wellness.
We share some of the positions to open the flow to improve oxygenation to cells, as well as some strengthening exercises to pull your body back into better alignment. You will gain an understanding of Block Therapy with this program, which may engage you to want to explore the deeper connections that are made with the practice.
Join "Fascia Decompression for Your Fur Family"
$247 $197
Introductory Offer
As a friendly reminder, this program is designed as a self-care regimen for your pet and doesn't replace medical care. Having said that, the benefits of implementing a simple daily protocol can have a far-reaching impact on your pet's health and longevity.
Lots of examples given to be able to work on animals of differing sizes.
The banter between Deanna and Dr. Siegel is natural and unforced.
Where one finishes the other picks up.
Not boring.
I actually started blocking because I first saw the fascia decompression for animals on Pet Summit and I am so happy to have both of these in my life now. The programmes are amazing, something that should be taught in schools.
Thank you
I have not completed all of the methods yet but I have done the fascia decompression from the shoulders down to the rump on our dog. Initially, all areas were tender, ropy, restricted, road-bumpy, tight… After doing this several times a day for about a week the restrictions and adhesions seem to have “melted” away.
Our fur babies are no different than we are. I found this extremely helpful and easy to incorporate in to their care. I love how effect this treatment is. As a massage therapist this was a great class. The information was spot on. Thank you both for a wonderful class. ❤️
I am finding it quite difficult to do with Freya. Her fur is very fine and shiny so my fingers tend to gradually slide off. She seems to like it but backs away in less than 2 minutes, will then come back into me but immediately retreats again. She pees like a boy, always lifting her right leg, but she has started doing either leg.
I’m just starting the program but have already found great progress with one of my dogs. Thanks so much!
© 2023 - Block Therapy | Fluid Isometrics