90 Day Challenge Success Story
"Block Therapy has changed my life. It certainly saved me from a lot of pain. It’s really helped to bring down my anxiety and to find space for meditation which I always felt I should do but I never really could consistently get to. It rolls everything into one and it’s just such a wonderful way to take care of yourself."
~ Beth Lachance
Block Therapy Enthusiast
"Before I started the 90 Day Challenge I had a few issues going on which seemed perpetual. Part of it I think is work-related, a repetitive strain. My shoulders certainly have been bothering me for a long time. I did have an injury in my right shoulder that led me to Block Therapy and that has been ongoing because I’m very right side dominant. I had also gained some weight which was new to me I haven’t had that experience before in life. I guess when I turned 60 it didn’t just show up all of a sudden but it showed up enough for me to recognize that I needed to do something about it by my 60th birthday and so the 90 Day Challenge seemed like a really great place to address everything in my body from top to bottom and not just isolate parts even though, you know, thats valuable too. To go through the entire body twice seemed like a really great idea to me and a fun kind of challenge to keep me going.
The 90 Day Challenge did help with a lot of things, however, I have to say it also brought up a lot which, you know, I think in the past as I started Block Therapy I was more injury focused and so kind of chasing injuries a lot and I kept thinking oh I need to kind of get through the whole body which you know I did in bits and pieces and fits and starts but not in a real closed circuit kind of way.
The 90 Day Challenge I feel was really good for directing me through the body in a system and as a result I felt more balanced overall and as I said certainly stirred up overall too. Now I feel like instead of just chasing injuries I feel like I’ve gotten to a point where I have a nice base and from here I can keep that up and address things as they come up but also really I’m better able to now get into those deeper injuries that really also need some focus.
I feel great - I did lose weight that I had gained, I think I’ve lost 8 of the 10 pounds that I had put on. I feel calm, you know, certainly more confident. I feel more comfortable in my body, my clothes are fitting better I think overall.
One of the biggest improvements for me has been the focus that I now have on a more daily regular basis on my posture and I think that was the element that initially was missing because I was just chasing injuries instead of kind of putting it together, you know, for my whole body. Now that I’ve gotten through the body several times with the 90 Day Challenge. I feel like I’m much more aware of proper posture and that focus and that improvement day to day or moment to moment even has really helped with weight loss because my system is now sitting properly. My skeleton is far more aligned than probably it has been for years and years and so consequently its easier for my body overall to be in a healthy state.
If I hadn’t found Block Therapy - I mean quite honestly I’ve been spending a lot of money on massage and other modalities to keep me maintained. When I think about it now every time I went for a massage I always heard “oh you’re just like cement!” I know I’m kind of a Type-A personality, I tend to really hold a lot of tension especially in my upper body and you start to think, oh that’s just the way I am. Now I realize when I’m moving my tissue around that I shouldn’t be so tight all the time. That’s been a really important thing for me to just loosen up.
I think if I hadn’t found Block Therapy I would just be - especially with what’s going on in the world today - I would be a really uptight mess. It’s just such a wonderful tool that I can use anywhere, anytime. I know going forward in my life I have the means and the way of taking care of myself no matter where I am or no matter what’s going on in life.
Block Therapy has changed my life. It certainly saved me from a lot of pain. It’s really helped to bring down my anxiety and to find space for meditation which I always felt I should do but I never really could consistently get to. It rolls everything into one and it’s just such a wonderful way to take care of yourself. To create that excitement and desire to carve out time for yourself and to see results in so many aspects of your overall health from your breath to your mindset to your physical alignment and relief from pain and stress."
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90 Day Challenge
Commitment | Perseverance | Transformation