Academy Success Stories

Block Therapy Academy Testimonials

Stories of transformation shared from our Certified Instructors, Bodyworkers and Therapists from around the world.

"My business has increased about 25%-30% just by adding Block Therapy, and that is really just the beginning. That doesn’t include some of the new partnerships that I am building with some of these local clubs and rec centres, and it doesn’t include my own studentship who I feel are very excited about the potential of becoming a Block Therapy instructor themselves."

~ Lisa Gunshore

"My clients really notice the changes and the difference in how Block Therapy helps them in their day to day lives. Some of the changes have been incredible. Those who buy into it definitely see and feel the benefits. That has been a wonderful tool to have at my fingertips. The biggest joy that I gain from sharing Block Therapy with others is that I love to help people."

~ Sonya Prater

"My income has really almost doubled since I added Block Therapy and Fluid Isometrics into my practice. I’m really happy to see my clients feeling better, creating change in their body. When they use Block Therapy at home as well as with our sessions, we really see a speeding up in how quickly their bodies can change. Their pain levels go down, they sleep better, they’re moving better."

~ Tami Le Poidevin

"I know from taking other certifications - there is just no other network like Block Therapy. The support that you get, the continuing education, the access to new information, the constant new material that Deanna puts out all the time just to support us and the communication is just amazing. No other certification has that by far."

~ Leeanne Schendel 

"BTA was easy to follow. I was able to work online at my own pace. I was able to challenge myself both personally and professionally which took me out of my comfort zone and led to some very important growth. The most important thing I learned in BTA is that I could use this valuable information on its own personally and professionally and create my own field in my current professional practice."

~ Stacie Peters

"The biggest frustration in my career has been the results I see in people who have pain and chronic illness is that it's not addressed on the level of the whole body and they don’t see whole results. I’ve found that with Block Therapy we are addressing the whole body."

~ Valerie Loridans

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