Introduction to Program

Fascia is a critical component of our health, innervating every cell in the body (this is true for people AND PETS!). Understanding how to support fascia health for your fur baby could not only help to prevent degenerative conditions but could also improve mobility, the immune system and increase longevity!

It is our passion for pet health that has led to the creating of this program, where we teach basic applications and techniques that can be done daily (or as needed), at home, by you the pet parent! Yes, their health is literally in your hands!

Today’s modern lifestyle is dramatically different than the lifestyle dogs and cats had years ago. Our fur family is far more sedentary, many are eating a species inappropriate diet (processed foods that are nutritionally depleted and loaded with toxins), leading to a massive rise in illness and a shortened lifespan. Doing Fascia Decompression on a regular basis will improve lymphatic flow, aid in detoxification and increase their energy levels.
Pet parents are connected to their fur family in a unique relationship. They give us unconditional love and loyalty. Performing fascia decompression on your fur fam is your opportunity to return that unconditional love, creating a deeper and more fulfilling bond with them as you create more health, healing and longevity. 

Unlock Optimal Health with Fascia Care!

Discover a revolutionary approach to holistic well-being that will transform your pet's life from the inside out. By nurturing the fascia – the intricate connective tissue that impacts the flow of fluids and energy throughout the body – you unlock a cascade of positive effects on their physical, emotional, and behavioural health.

Just as humans benefit from fascia care, your furry companions thrive when their fascia is well taken care of. Fascia's far-reaching influence touches every system in their body as it connects and innervates all cells. The potential benefits for your pet are astounding:

  • Calmer Nervous System: Experience the joy of a more relaxed and at ease fur family member.
  • Boundless Energy: Watch your pet bounce back to life with newfound vitality.
  • Improved Alignment for Overall Joint Health: Say goodbye to discomfort as we enhance their joint health.
  • Better Weight Management: Maintain a healthy weight and a happier, more active pet.
  • Gleaming Skin and Coat: Unleash their natural radiance with improved skin and coat health.

Join our revolutionary fascia care program today and witness your pet's transformation into the best version of themselves. Don't let them miss out on this opportunity for optimal health and well-being. They deserve the very best, and we're here to provide it!

Max's Transformation

What You Will Learn

You will learn techniques that can be applied to all areas of the body, and that can be done in bite size pieces. There are 5 main techniques shared on a variety of different size dogs and cats, to showcase different approaches for you to provide the Fascia Decompression techniques.

There are 8 modules to the program which consist of:

1. Introduction

This module shares several videos to prepare you for success with the program, including:

  • Welcome from Dr. Siegel and Deanna
  • Disclaimer
  • Preparing for Success
  • Environmental Safety as you apply techniques
  • Dr. Siegel’s 6 Step Program providing additional health information
  • Introduction to Fascia and the Sampler Program link shared and explained
  • How to Assess Your Pet

2. Grip and Grab

This module shares several videos showing the first technique called the Grip and Grab. This includes how to perform on a: 

  • 2.5 Lbs Dog - Torri
  • 20 Lbs Dog - Jake
  • 50 Lbs Dog - Winston
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 110 Lbs Dog - Riley

3. Aligning the Spine

This module shares several videos showing the second technique called Aligning the Spine. This includes how to perform on a: 

  • 2.5 Lbs Dog - Torri
  • 20 Lbs Dog - Jake
  • 50 Lbs Dog - Winston
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 110 Lbs Dog - Riley

4. Releasing the Joints

This module shares several videos showing the third technique called Releasing the Joints. This includes how to perform on a: 

  • 2.5 Lbs Dog - Torri
  • 20 Lbs Dog - Jake
  • 50 Lbs Dog - Winston
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 110 Lbs Dog - Riley

5. Tail Pull

This module shares several videos showing the fourth technique called the Tail Pull. This includes how to perform on a: 

  • 2.5 Lbs Dog - Torri
  • 20 Lbs Dog - Jake
  • 50 Lbs Dog - Winston
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 110 Lbs Dog - Riley

6. Ear Pull

This module shares several videos showing the fifth technique called the Ear Pull. This includes how to perform on a: 

  • 2.5 Lbs Dog - Torri
  • 20 Lbs Dog - Jake
  • 50 Lbs Dog - Winston
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 80 Lbs Dog - Stella
  • 110 Lbs Dog - Riley

7. Creative Pet Protocols

This section provides a storyline of Dr, Siegel and Deanna working together on different dogs. We take you through several real-life cases, demonstrating how we performed the initial assessment, using the techniques to work the entire body, and most importantly, the results achieved in 2-3 sessions. In many cases the transformation was miraculous.

8. Inspiring True Stories of Health Transformation

This section shares stories of working on pets as we were embarking on the journey. Dr. Siegel and Deanna worked for months through Zoom calls to connect and develop the protocols. This is a timeline of other pets (including a 20-pound cat), where the techniques were developed and applied. This provides additional footage to assist you on your journey.

Join "Fascia Decompression for Your Fur Family"

  • 8 Modules 
  • Dr. Marlene Siegel’s 6 Step Program
  • Block Therapy Sampler Program


Introductory Offer

As a friendly reminder, this program is designed as a self-care regimen for your pet and doesn't replace medical care. Having said that, the benefits of implementing a simple daily protocol can have a far-reaching impact on your pet's health and longevity.

Fascia Decompression for Your Fur Family Awe-Inspiring Transformation

About Your Instructors

Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen is a pioneer in the field of fascia decompression for physical and emotional transformation and a best-selling author in the wellness space. With more than 20 years of hands-on clinical experience, Deanna created Fluid Isometrics™ and Block Therapy™, unique fascia-release techniques to help relieve chronic pain and dis-ease, encourage healthy detoxification, and reverse the aging process.

With these simple, step-by-step protocols, you’ll combine diaphragmatic breathing and deep tissue work to release adhesions and scar tissue in the fascia, oxygenate cells, rebuild postural foundations, and, ultimately, reverse chronic structural and emotional issues.

When Deanna isn’t guiding thousands of eager students in the art of fascia decompression for optimal physical, mental, and emotional health, she’s writing best-selling books and sharing her life-changing expertise on other educational platforms.

About Dr. Marlene Siegel

The last 20 years of Dr. Siegel’s nearly 40-year career as a veterinarian has led her to develop the widest array of alternative therapies and detoxification services in the country.

A true entrepreneur determined to solve needs that the pet world has, led her to be an international speaker and an innovator in integrative veterinary medicine.

She practices “bioregulatory medicine” which focuses on identifying the root cause of dis-ease and resolving that vs putting band-aids on symptoms.

As part of lifestyle solutions for pets, Dr. Siegel has developed her own raw pet food company and supplements,

Knowing knowledge is power, she has online programs for pet parents and veterinarians to teach integrative vet medicine.
Visit for more information.

She is launching S’Paws Family Wellness in 2023, a detox center for pets and their parents. Connect with her at!

Copyright © 2023 Block Therapy

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