Happy Holidays from Fluid Isometrics

happy holidays

Happy Holidays Everyone!

It has been quite a year. In many ways, it has been incredibly challenging and painful, with the passing of my Dad, my Mom’s health issues and a start-up year for my business, and in many ways, it has been absolutely incredible.

What I am so strongly reminded of is that joy and happiness come down to relationships. No matter how painful life is, if you are surrounded by people that care and love you, there is always a lifeline and ray of hope. I can’t thank you enough for sharing time with me this year. Many of you reached out to bring me comfort and support, and joy and excitement about your personal progress. I appreciate so much that you take the time to share. Building a community for people to help each other has always been a personal mission, and with you, it is becoming reality.

This year has also been the year to solidify my team. In business, I’ve had the most fun I’ve had in memory, and it is from the culmination and talents of the right people, working together for the same goal. Looking back to last year, we have accomplished a lot. One short year ago, I didn’t have a focused plan, simply an idea of how to proceed, and what has been created is amazing. From teaching and certifying 2 Block Therapy instructors, having 17 students in my current teacher training program to now having the Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Teacher Training program available on-line, we have the ability to educate the masses and share the incredible benefits of Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy quickly, and efficiently.

The talent and passion of the people that I am privileged to work with brings a magical quality to the everyday tasks at hand, and I know that what we are creating to share with you comes from many people’s efforts and from the heart. My intention is to empower everyone to learn how to self-care.

This is what this work is all about. Guiding individuals to find the source of their suffering, and to provide a tool and direction to overcome the cause, is the purpose of Fluid Isometrics.

So, I am ready to say goodbye to 2014, but not without sharing my deepest appreciation for you. I look to the next year to improve, evolve and grow and to help others find their way to health, healing and happiness.

Happy Holidays,

Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen

Block Therapy Teacher Training


The online Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Teacher Training course will introduce you to the knowledge needed to begin teaching Block Therapy from anywhere with an internet connection!

Admission guidelines
Course Outline

Apply for Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Teacher Training here

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