How to Take Care of Your Heart in 3 Easy Steps

How-to-take-care-of-your-heartThank you for the Condolences

I want to thank everyone who sent love to me since my father’s passing. It was extremely heart-warming how many people reached out. I have to say his funeral was perfect, I wouldn’t have changed a thing and he would have loved it.

I, along with my nephew Quinn and two of my father’s friends had the honour of offering eulogies and the love that came pouring out of each of us was reflective of the man my father was. My dad lived first from his heart, and based on the number of people that attended his celebration, his way of being in the world had a significant impact on a lot of  people.

Like my father, I have always lived my life heart first. Sometimes this can be viewed as a weakness, and there is no question I have been taken advantage of many times. However, the capacity to forgive is an ever-present strength when love is the guiding principle.

The Heart is a Strong Muscle

The heart can withstand enormous trauma and still beat strongly, feeding the cells with life-giving energy. At the same time, it can reach out to loved ones, friends and even strangers in times of grief, loss and sorrow. The heart is a wonder and should be pampered with all the love we can give it. So, how do we do this?

How to Take Care of the Heart

The best way to pamper your heart is to give it the support it needs. The diaphragm is the floor to the heart and proper diaphragmatic breathing provides the space and energy the heart needs to function optimally.


So, first put your hand over your heart and ask it for forgiveness (yes, I mean it). When we breathe unconsciously, we are putting tremendous stress on this beautiful muscular organ. Your heart has been working so hard on your behalf, even when you ignore it. It deserves an apology. How can your heart properly support your body and your life if you don’t support it and give it what it needs?


Next, consciously breath deeply from the diaphragm as often as you can remember, and just wait and see the positive changes that happen in your life, health, relationships and appearance. You don’t have to believe me. If you do it, you will see for yourself.


Lastly, live life first from the heart. You will impact those around you with your love and kindness, and that will come back to you tenfold, like it did for my dad.

Love is the strongest force there is and weakness is the farthest thing from love. So, be strong, breathe strong and live into the peace and joy that comes to you.

Breathe & Believe


Follow Deanna Hansen on Twitter

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  1. Hi Deanna: I offer my condolences on the loss of your dad and appreciate your positive comments as I prepare to attend a memorial service for a relative who passed away. Sadly his daughter has been estranged for decades. Upon a death, some experience their unfinished business and hurt feelings and the need to forgive surfaces. Remembering to breathe and find peace amidst the chaos in your heart is key. Thanks for the reminder. These broken-hearted ones need prayer and help trusting our Good God will do a mighty work in healing and transforming His children. And we must do our part. Letting go. What I learned from you in your block therapy class is something I will share, since emotional pain can be deeper than physical pain. Blessings, Karen

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