Meet Your Newest Block Therapy™ Instructor – Shelley Elhatton

Shelley Elhatton

Congratulations to our newest
Certified Block Therapy™ Instructor, Shelley Elhatton!

Shelley Elhatton has been a Registered Nurse for 30 plus years, with extensive experience in community, hospital, and international settings. She is also an Energy Worker, an Ordained Spiritual Peace Minister, and now, among the first in the world to certify as a Block Therapy™ Instructor.

Prior to discovering Block Therapy™,
Shelley’s pain was controlling her life.
Now, Shelley is controlling her pain.

Years ago, Shelley was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and began experiencing many back issues. A recent surgery left her with chronic pain in her pelvis and the right side of her body leaving her with difficulty walking and eventually, an inability to lift her right arm. Unable to return to work as a Registered Nurse, Shelley struggled searching for a diagnosis and treatment. This left her depressed and frustrated with the health care system.

Shelley understood long ago that there was much more to the body than the diagnosis, and that this so called diagnosis was simply dis-ease within the body. This led her to her studies in holistic care and many different healing modalities. She knew that in order to heal her body, she needed to quiet her mind and access the innate wisdom inside herself.

The Game Changer For Shelley Elhatton Was Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy™

Over time, Shelley tried many different body work practices until finally discovering ‘the missing piece‘. The game changer for Shelley was Block Therapy™ classes. She quickly found relief from her chronic pain and was amazed at her improved range of motion in her arm and pelvis after only one class. Block Therapy™ quickly ignited a passion within and Shelley was on a mission to learn all she could to heal herself.  Attending Block Therapy™ classes became priority in Shelley’s life, and she quickly knew she must take the Block Therapy™ Teacher Training.

With Shelley’s experience as a Registered Nurse, an Ordained Spiritual Peace Minister, and an Energy Worker we are confident that she will be an outstanding Block Therapy™ Instructor!

Shelley is excited to share in her own journey, teach, support and empower others to become their own health advocates. She believes that it is our birth right to be all we were born to be. Our journey and our life lessons have much to teach us, we only need to go within and listen.

Shelley is available for Private Block Therapy Classes™ and Block Parties and also plans to teach at various locations throughout Winnipeg. Watch for Shelley’s upcoming classes by keeping an eye on our class calendar and connecting with her on Social Media.

shelley elhatton fluid isometrics block therapy instructorConnect with Shelley Elhatton online:

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Block Therapy Teacher Training

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