Winners of the 21 Day Pelvis, Legs & Feet Challenge

Amanda Devion

Firstly, when looking at Amanda’s before and after picture, the first thing that is so evident is the change in her size and shape. The alignment of the lower legs on the feet has shown significant improvement, especially the pronation on the right foot (the inner collapse at the ankle). The quadriceps have lifted significantly, showing a dramatic shift to the “knee fat”, which is really displaced fascia.
When we asked Amanda what her biggest issues and concerns were before starting the program, she shared her frustration with the skin/tissue in the upper adductors and that she feels tension in the area after being seated for a while.
After the program she experienced less overall leg pain and tension, as well a greater awareness of posture and breathing.
When asked if she would recommend Block Therapy to someone she shared: “Just do it. It has changed my life with respect to the amount of pain I feel on a daily basis and has increased the amount of flexibility and agility within my body.”Olena Taylor

The side photos for Olena are amazing! Not only has her shape dramatically changed, but the outer thigh has become more streamlined, and the tissue is much cleaner. Her back photos show a ton of change to the butt area, as well the back has become more balanced and the twisting is all but gone. Aligning the pelvis has changed the shape of the core and upper thighs. All in all, her alignment has remarkably improved!
When we asked Olena what her biggest issues and concerns were before starting the program she shared: “Digestive issues, feeling tight on the right side of my lower back and right thigh. I was diagnosed with celiac 10 years ago. I have had a lot of bloating, constipation, and a low functioning gallbladder. It is a struggle to not be cross contaminated with celiac. But I also have other food sensitivities that cause constipation and bloating. My gallbladder gets backed up and painful, so I usually do gallbladder flushes occasionally to empty it.”
After the program she shared: “After the first day I emptied my bowels at least 3 times! It was pretty painful blocking the lower right ribs at first, but as I continued to block each day the pain gradually disappeared. I think it is helping push the backed up bile out of my gallbladder. There is less bloating and constipation, almost no gallbladder pain, and I think my legs and butt are somewhat firmer.”
When asked if she would recommend this to someone she shared: “Try it! You won't be disappointed!”Sabrina Lightbourn

Sabrina has brought amazing symmetry to her butt, beautifully sculpted and aligned her legs, and lengthened her core. Even the size of her bunions are decreasing as she is bringing attention to the alignment of her feet.
When we asked Sabrina what her biggest issues and concerns were before starting the program, she shared: “LT Knee and foot pain. It limited my ability to work out like I wanted to and also my feet and knees hurt after a long day of shooting ( I'm a photographer). I could no longer snow ski or run because of knee pain.”
After the program she shared: “I am so excited! I was able to COMPLETELY straighten my left knee which I haven't been able to do in over 30 years due to an ACL reconstruction surgery. It would only happen after blocking and everyday it would happen earlier on in the session. I’m feeling balanced on my feet and the recovery of tired feet happens more quickly after a long day of photographing.”
When asked if she would recommend this to someone she shared: “Absolutely!”
Paula Grierson

Paula has done a great job of bringing conscious awareness into her lower body. Her size has dramatically changed, and her belly has lifted and toned. You can see on her right foot especially how much more aligned it is which is giving her a better foundation to stand.
When we asked Paula what her biggest issues and concerns were before starting the program, she shared: “Sciatica on the right side off and on for years, cold feet & toes & numbness since having chemo in 2019, and I was frustrated as it was hard to do all the things I used to.”
After the program she shared that “everything seems easier and when pain does come back I know where to block to ease it and feel more positive about future changes as I continue blocking. New knee pain appeared but with Deanna’s guidance it has now gone, lower back feels more relaxed and I can stretch more, sciatica flared up but not as bad as usual and seems to have eased more quickly. Don't think my feet feel as cold but will work more on this to get where I want to be.”
When asked if she would recommend Block Therapy to someone she shared: “Don't wait as long as I did to start Block Therapy. Trust your instincts about how much this could help you. I'm so thankful for the changes I'm feeling in my body and mind since starting blocking.”
I am absolutely thrilled with the changes so many people experienced from the 21 Day Pelvis, Legs & Feet program . There were more transformations but these 4 stood out the most. Congratulations to all of you and thank you for inspiring others to believe in the Block Therapy system!
Breathe & Believe
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Is the pelvis challenge available? If so, where do I find it?