Arthritis and Block Therapy

Sometimes breaking down a word into the meaning of its parts makes it easier to understand why the problem is there, and what we can do to correct it.

“Itis” always means inflammation of, when at the end of words like arthritis, bursitis, tonsillitis and tendonitis. It simply means inflammation of that structure. Inflammation, when considered for its purpose, is full of energy and life. It is there to rebuild something that has weakened. Areas weaken over time from starvation. Starvation results from compression, which is directly linked to the posture we have and the way we breathe.

If you could review the pathway to a pain in reverse, you would see the descent of posture falling inwardly over time, and a resultant displacement of tissue outward. The physical direction the tissue descends is in a forward, downward spiral. We sink into our inner space, adding bulk from collapsed tissue that has been squished from life, which now acts as a grip for gravity. Wherever tissue has lost it’s space and become denser, gravity manipulates and causes the momentum of the downward spiral to pick up.

When referring to a joint, whether a knee, hip, shoulder…, when we collapse into our inner space, the ability for the joint to freely move becomes compromised. A knee joint properly aligned, for example, can go through the day doing its’ job of stabilizing and propelling us without any negative consequence, i.e. pain and dysfunction. However, when space is lost in the joint from compression over time due to incorrect posture and breathing, when asked to do its job, the cartilage rubs together causing a wear and tear. As the body always does, it sends blood flow to heal the damage that has been done, a gift of the body to create a repair.

The problem is that when we lose space, it isn’t a one time irritation the body can easily fix, because once that collapse is enough the take away significant space, the wearing of the cartilage becomes constant, as does the inflammation. Chronic inflammation in a joint is the definition of arthritis.

So, moving in reverse of this issue, we need to find a way to put the space back into the joint so the body can repair itself. This is what Block Therapy does.

The joints, over time get locked in their negative position because the fascia grips and seals to bone with a force up to 2000lbs/square inch. This is the bodies’ way of protecting itself. It is trying to create stability as we are unconsciously falling from balance.

Block Therapy, over time, melts the restrictions in the fascia from bone allowing for a migration back to proper alignment. The space that is created with the block is inflated with proper diaphragmatic breathing, and then making some basic postural corrections, maintains the space. The result is a joint that has no wear and tear, thus no need for inflammation, therefore, no “itis”. Problem solved!

Breathe & Believe

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