Fascia Decompression & Parkinson’s Disease – Part 3

How can this benefits those with Parkinson’s Disease


The main symptoms of Parkinson’s -- tremors, muscle rigidity, weakness, collapsing posture, trouble sleeping . . . all occur when there are adhesions that block the flow of fluids and energy to the cells. The most important thing to understand is that without the proper diaphragmatic breath, the body is simply depleted and can’t perform.


Pain, fear and stress cause you to reactively hold the breath. If this becomes a habit, then the secondary muscles of the upper chest take over, drastically limiting the energy for the cells to work. For some, this may result from a physical trauma, for others, it can be an emotional trauma that triggered this response. Either way, something caused the diaphragm to become almost paralyzed, forcing the body to compensate.

Tremors occur when the cells lose integration. This response, like shivering, is the body trying to increase energy to the area. The issue is the weakened diaphragm. Simply doing beathing exercises won’t change this as the adhesions have magnetically sealed the diaphragm out of alignment, causing it to be frozen, forcing the secondary muscles of the upper chest to kick in. There is not enough energy in these muscles to move the blood to the extremities, and as gravity continually adds more collapse to the body, eventually the tremors fall away to rigidity, and the body continues to collapse in and on itself.

My system is designed to melt the adhesions, activate the diaphragm and teach proper postural foundations to undo what time has done and to integrate cells back to life. Having had the opportunity to work with people with Parkinson’s, I have seen improvements in their quality of life. The pace that this work can be applied is dependent on each individual, as there will be a detoxifying effect in the body, and if meds have been taken for years, you need to approach the body at a pace that works for the individual.

This work is self-administered and done in the comfort of your own home. This allows the individual to moderate the positions and the amount of time spent each day to suit their needs. It is also important to understand the cause sites that are holding the body in its rigid state, and to work on melting the adhesions in those areas.

The calves and feet, hands and forearms and scalp are all areas that need lots of attention. As they are the furthest from the diaphragm, they will be most frozen and will be a major holding pattern for everyone. My system is designed to teach people how to approach their body to receive the benefits of melting the adhesions blocking flow, and to activate the diaphragm so new habits can be integrated, and continual positive change can occur.

In my experience, I have seen that if progress is continual, then there is excitement and follow through. This work creates the opportunity for change to be immediate, and continual. Like melting a block of ice, you can’t force it to melt all at once, it will melt at the pace where the energy is enough to change the structure of ice to water. Similarly, you can’t activate all cells in the body in a moment. However, you can dive deeper through the layers, melting the adhesions along the way, strengthening the breath to increase oxygen in the blood, and build stronger foundations to support the journey back to proper cell alignment.

For as complicated as this disease can be, this approach is simple, safe and continual with the benefits. As more energy is added to the body, there is more repair and integration. I fully believe that all symptoms can be managed, and that for many who adopt this as a lifestyle, can see continual progress to improve quality of life and potentially even reverse it.

To be continued

Breathe & Believe,


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