
Alignment is defined as the proper positioning or state of adjustment of parts in relation to each other. This can be applied to all things: relationships, ideas in business, a fence, the body . . .  Misalignment causes tension and disruption and requires stabilizing to ensure smooth transport from one part to the next. If part of a fence loses its foundation, it needs fasteners to secure its alignment. 

If ideas in business or relationships become misaligned, sometimes counselling is required to rectify situations. If a body is out of alignment, steps need to be taken to re-establish balance and symmetry.

There is an ease to that which is aligned. When referring to the body, effortless effort is the goal. When all cells are positioned in their rightful place, little energy is required to maintain proper posture. However, when the body falls off balance, to even sit straight can take a ton of energy and cause fatigue. There is a momentum to the disruption that takes place as it is driven by gravity, and the further you fall out of balance, the faster the body falls. It’s a vicious cycle.

The arms act like tent poles. When used properly, they secure the ribcage in correct position and support shoulder and neck alignment. The first thing to note is that the anatomical position of the arms and hands is to have the palms pointing forward. If you observe the majority of people, you will see them walking and standing with the back of their palms facing forward. This causes the bones in the arms to internally rotate (turn inward), which draws the shoulders forward.

This internal rotation has a consequence. It draws the shoulder blades up and around the rib cage, instead of being secured against the back of the body, adding tension to the muscles of the upper back and supporting the collapse of the rib cage into the core, stressing the heart and lungs. This collapse affects the alignment of the head and neck, resulting in a forward head posture, and this affects blood flow to the brain, the eyes, the hair . . . and this is just the tip of the iceberg.

As soon as one thing falls off balance, there is a momentum that begins. This is true of everything. In a relationship, one moment of feeling disrespected may cause a cycle of shots being taken at each other, or fights that would not have become a problem prior to the initial slap in the face. However, if in the moment of the negative feeling there was a discussion and reconciliation, then balance can be re-established with ease, and in the moment. Imagine a flat tire and what that will do to your car. If fixed as soon as it happens, no issues. If ignored, it can result in wearing and damage that may be costly.

In the body, when we fall out of alignment, the same things hold true. If an injury results, taking care of it in the moment will result in fast repair and life will go on. If ignored or treated in a way that keeps the body off balance for days, weeks or even months at a time, then compensations result in a splinting of the body, where adhesions develop to create stability. 

I’m sure we have all had the experience of being out of alignment, in many aspects of life. It’s uncomfortable, takes away time and energy, can create long-term suffering, and all in all, affects life in a negative way. In some situations, there may be no possibility of repair, depending on the topic of discussion. However, when it comes to the body, repair and re-alignment are nearby if we understand how to support proper cell alignment and fascia health.

The key to healing is to look at the entire being. Just like in a relationship, sometimes we get stuck on what is the acute pain or issue in the moment, and we don’t move past that. Likely, if there is resentment, there is a long list of unresolved items that became buried. Busy lives are often to blame, as are feelings of discomfort that may arise when speaking your truth. In a body, if your shoulder pain affects your golf game for example, you can spend months or years managing the nagging sensation, without ever looking beyond the pain site to see if there is something else to address.

In Block Therapy, we take into consideration the entire being. We address the cause sites that are at a distance from the pain, we address the breath to not only feed the cells the energy they require, but to also release the trapped emotions and waste that have built up in the body, and we bring it all back to balance, so moving forward, there is a feeling of connectivity, instead of division.

At a time when there is so much division in the world, aligning your body is a wonderful way to feel connected and be part of the solutions. Everything in the universe is a mirror of itself. Align your body and feel that sense of control that can be a distance away in other areas, so as to build bridges and awareness of how to repair that which is damaged. It is a journey, but well worth it for the freedom and joy it can bring.

If you would like to learn more from those who practice, our private Facebook community is filled with incredible testimonials and offerings of guidance and support from our members. I would love to see you there!

Breathe & Believe

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