How to get a smaller waist, get rid of your waste!

How to get a smaller waist
Less Waste

I’ve heard that the average person, when they die, has several pounds of dead fecal matter in their system. Imagine that. What many people think is excess fat is really an accumulation of waste. To effectively achieve a healthy figure and flat belly therefore, we need healthy digestive and elimination systems.

Before I started on this journey with Fluid Isometrics, I had huge problems with constipation. I remember how awful I felt every day. I would think I was hungry, as it would be time for a meal, yet I was full inside, knowing that what I had eaten the day before, and the day before that, and so on and so on, hadn’t left me yet. This constant discomfort took away my attention and my joy of eating. It sounds crazy that the way I viewed my day was dependent on my bowel movements, but that is the truth. Even now that I have a healthy system, if I have one of those slow moving days it feels like I’m only partially present. The fact is, if our system isn’t flowing freely, we feel stuck and ultimately, sick.

How to get a smaller waist – more Space

Fluid Isometrics focuses on helping the body back to being able to breathe diaphragmatically. The diaphragm is the foundation of the rib cage, so when we don’t make conscious breathing a practice, the rib cage collapses into the core of the body, displacing tissue outward. Because of this displacement, we lose the space we were intended to have inside, resulting in a ballooning effect. This gives us the appearance of a “beer belly” and/or a spare tire around the middle. This is the mechanical reason, but added to that, the diaphragm is the floor to the heart and lungs, and the ceiling to the abdominal organs.

When the ribcage collapses it compresses the stomach, pancreas, gallbladder and liver. Compression blocks blood and energy flow and the temperature of the tissue turns cold. This slows down the system function so the breakdown of food isn’t complete and nutrients aren’t absorbed completely. This slowing down causes the internal environment to become acidic, allowing disease organisms to inhabit the space. These organisms also create waste which builds up inside the core over time. In other words, we are full of waste!

Block Therapy addresses the mechanical issue related to the collapse of the ribcage and teaches you to “melt” through this area of frozen tissue. This creates the space in the body that was lost over the years and teaches you to connect back to diaphragmatic breathing. The mechanism of breathing properly in turn gives the internal organs a continual massage which enables blood and energy to reach, feed and clean the organs. This is how to get a smaller waist.

Smaller Waist

This process alone is incredibly efficient at changing the shape of the core, but I also make it a point of doing regular cleanses. I can tell you honestly, that on a number of occasions, I have been disgusted and thrilled at the same time by what has left my body. Disgusted because it was in there, and thrilled because it was flushed away. On one occasion, years ago when I just began regular cleansing, there were these little white beetles that left me. I did a double take as at first as I thought my eyes were tricking me, but yes, they were bugs. It is amazing what lives and thrives inside us if we let it.

The point is that the core of the body is a breeding ground. If we haven’t been conscious of posture and breathing, eating healthy and maintaining balance in our life, we likely have many invaders making a home for themselves, wreaking havoc. And let’s face it, in the world today, who has mastered all these things? Our stress-filled lives have overpowered our ability to be balanced and conscious and now we are paying the price. The good news though is that there is a solution.

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Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen

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