Putting the Healing Into Your Hands

Putting healing into your hands with Block Therapy
There is nothing more exciting to me than seeing people connecting to their body, healing, and finding that peaceful place. After all, for me this is how this whole thing started, an anxiety attack 15 years ago opened the door for this whole practice. As we move forward and create opportunities for people to learn and understand how to access their body and breath in new ways, the response has been incredible.

Healing Your Skin – The Natural Facelift

Block Therapy™ provides a natural Facelift when you use the Block Buddy or Block Baby on your face. In the Block Therapy™ Intro Video Series Head, Neck & Arms video we teach people how to to melt through the restrictions blocking blood and energy flow to the skin on the face. I am starting to see how to share more of what I do on a daily basis and provide the tools for people to access this work while doing other things. I work on my face with my hands when I am driving, watching TV, reading…, and not because of the facelift value, but because it calms me down. The anti-aging benefits are one of the side-effects of this practice, not to mention an improvement in blood flow to the eyes, hair, sinuses, brain…

Healing Chronic Back Pain

Coming out this month will also be a program specific to dealing with chronic back pain. Teaching the reasons that we suffer and providing solution, as well as postural education to assist people on their healing, is my mission. I truly believe that there is nothing in the body that cannot be improved with an increase in blood and energy flow to cells combined with some basic postural shifts that provide stability and foundations for the body.

Healing Hands

I also want to share that one of the therapists trained in Fluid Isometrics™ is back in Winnipeg after a year of travel. I know many of you have missed the healing hands of Gillian Saleem so please contact the office if you would like her contact information.

More Healing To Come…

There are so many wonderful events being planned and courses to offer and I want to thank my team for their exceptional work ethic and the excitement they share. I feel I am truly living my dream and it is because of the people involved with this, who have also made it their life’s mission to get the message out to the world. We will continue working toward excellence in our quest to provide opportunity for everyone to connect into there own healing potential.

Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen


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