Deanna Hansen – My Dream for 2015


Deanna Hansen - My Dream for 2015We are starting 2015 off with a bang. The on-line Block Therapy Teacher Training program for Block Therapy instructors begins and we already have students enrolled. It is my goal to have people all over the world bringing this practice to their community so we can empower people to become their own health advocates. I am really excited for how this all came together and am sure it will be a huge success.

We have also created a Block Therapy Chair Program to bring to offices. With the computer posture being a huge negative influence on the health of individuals, this will create the opportunity to become healthy, while at work. The implications of this are far reaching as it not only benefits individuals, but also business. There is no question that happy, healthy employees are more efficient, productive and creative.

Of course, classes will continue, with additional ones being offered, and students from my existing Teacher Training program are starting to certify. This is very exciting as there will be many opportunities to find a teacher and a location near you, to start your Block Therapy practice. To see our class calendar click here.

There are so many directions I can go with Fluid Isometrics, but I learned from my coaching program last year to focus on what is right in front of me. The teachers coming through my program and individuals we are helping are my focus, as it is my intention to be accessible to everyone who needs help. I have to say that the talent of my current teachers and students is remarkable and I am very excited to see where this will lead.

Having said that, I am always interested in what you have to say. If there is something you feel you want to see or a need that hasn’t been filled, please let me know. I will do my best to accommodate anyone. The team is growing and with that, we can help more people. This is the whole point, to bring health and healing to individuals and to empower people to help themselves.

I wish everyone the best for 2015 and I thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life.

Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen

Deanna Hansen
Founder of Fluid Isometrics

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