Thanks to Lead Pilates Saskatoon For Hosting Us

Deanna Hansen - thanks to Lead PilatesI just had the most wonderful weekend in Saskatoon. Firstly, I want to thank Jana Danielson for hosting a Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Intensive at her business, Lead Pilates. She has such an excitement and passion to create opportunities for people to become empowered with their health and I look forward to spending lots of time developing programs to bring more information to the world. I also want to thank Heather Whitla for joining me on the trip. She is an exceptional teacher and friend and made the journey all the more enjoyable. This is just the beginning of much more to come!

In Saskatoon I taught a 3-hour Block therapy intensive, and a 6-hour class the next day. The best part for me about teaching is that I am doing it while sharing the message. After all these years, I am still blown away by the dramatic shifts that happen in the body with that concentration of time. To see and hear the response from the students and know they understand how to continue with the practice gives me that sense of knowing they are empowered and can face their healing journey from a place of wisdom. I am very excited about the progress and opportunity this year brings. Stay tuned as we create more opportunities to learn and experience Block therapy. (A great way to keep updated is to join us on Facebook).

Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen

If you are interested in hosting a Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy class in your city, contact our office for details. 

Phone: 204 452-1175
Toll Free: 1 844 274-3666


Thanks again Jana & Lead Pilates!


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