Fascia and the Connection to Concussions

Concussions, if not treated properly, can leave a person with many challenges. The blow to the head creates damage and debris and inflammation within resulting in pressure in the skull. This needs to be addressed so healing can take place.

Pain, fear and stress cause you to reactively hold the breath. This is the first thing that will affect the body’s ability to heal. It is through proper diaphragmatic breathing that healing occurs so to understand how to connect to this muscle is of paramount importance.

The reality is everyone has a ribcage that has collapsed into the core, affecting your ability to access this amazing muscle. When you add an injury to the mix, it can dramatically affect the diaphragm’s ability to work. The secondary muscles of respiration in the upper chest take over the function of breathing but these muscles are not meant to heal and feed the whole body. In fact breathing diaphragmatically feeds the body 6 times the oxygen – a game changer for healing after injury.

One of the reasons the alignment of the ribcage needs attention is when it collapses into the core, it pulls the head and neck forward, strangling the carotid arteries: the main arteries supplying the head with blood. These are the roadways to send blood and oxygen to feed and heal the injury. When they are blocked, flow is compromised.

In fact, flow to and from the site needs to be understood. When damage occurs, the body needs to remove the debris so there is space created for blood to carry all the healing nutrients and oxygen to the site. As long as flow is optimal, healing is efficient. When flow is compromised, so is the body’s ability to heal.

It comes down to understanding alignment and breathing. This is how to heal a concussion. Working directly on the head after an injury without ensuring proper alignment and breathing will add pressure to an already tense area. This can exaggerate the pain and inflammation causing greater pressure within.

Concussions can affect brain function and quality of life and are scary if you don’t understand what needs to happen for healing. Block Therapy is a simple and safe solution to release the tension and feed the area of concern so healing can be optimal.

If you or a loved one has suffered a concussion and you want to get relief, fill out a free health strategy session so I can connect to you and give you guidance and supervision on your healing journey.

Understanding what you need to keep your fascia system fed and clean is the most important focus for life-long health. Block Therapy is a simple and safe program to give your fascia what it needs.

To hear what others have to say about Block Therapy, join our private Facebook group – Block Therapy Members and be part of the conversation. I look forward to seeing you there.

Breathe & Believe


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