Teacher Feature – Rose Benjamin

This month I want to highlight our amazing teacher, Rose Benjamin. Rose joined our Block Therapy University 3 years ago. After our first conversation, I knew she would be instrumental in helping us share this bodywork practice.

Rose is a force. At 72 years of age she is a walking billboard of what Block Therapy can do. I have had many conversations with people she has introduced this to, and they all say the same thing. They were sold on this program because of the changes they saw in Rose.

Over the last 3 years, I have gone to Rose’s home in Indiana and she has ventured to Winnipeg many times. Her dedication and continued passion to learn, understand and evolve has brought so much inspiration to the lives of many, my team and me. She also continues to add understanding of different modalities that compliment Block Therapy – I am continually amazed by her energy and commitment to helping others.

Thank you so much Rose for being such a light in my life. I am so thankful to know you and look forward to continuing this amazing relationship.

Breathe & Believe,

Go to BlockTherapy.com/Rose to see Rose’s class schedule in Indiana and learn more about her.

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