Fascia: A Game Changer for Your Fitness & Well-Being | The Fascia Masters, Season 2 – Episode 10

Have you ever thought about your fascia while you were exercising? Few people realize the important relationship between exercise, our fascial system, and overall health. Let’s first take a look at the age-old simplistic “calories in versus calories out” model when it comes to exercise and weight management. While it is scientifically true that burning…

Unraveling Trauma: How Fascia Holds the Key to Healing | The Fascia Masters, Season 2 – Episode 9

Trauma is any insult or injury that affects an individual on multiple levels, encompassing the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of one’s being. This insight is fundamental to our exploration of trauma’s profound reach. Trauma frequently triggers a reactive breath-holding response. The failure to release stored trauma in the body can lead to various…

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