How Do You Talk to Your Cells?

Many people may not realize that whatever thoughts are going through your mind are being heard by your cells. If you knew that self-limiting thoughts and conversations you have about yourself have an impact on your health and outward expression, you may be inclined to change the dialogue. In Greg Braden’s book, Walking Between the…

Fascia & Your Thyroid

I have been diving into the fascia system for over 2 decades and have a unique perspective on why it is crucial to understand and approach it in order to manage health and healing – no matter the issues presented. Like skin to the body, fascia is the skin of the cell, connecting every cell…

Creating Space for the Heart

When it comes to health, the heart is the most important muscle/organ. Each heartbeat sends blood that is rich in oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body. It is when this specialized tissue ceases to function that the physical body dies. It is worth understanding how to keep the heart healthy lifelong in…

Embrace the Healing Opportunities

Healing is never a straight line. Sometimes when we are on a path of detoxification and realignment, we can feel amazing and free in our body, other times, we can feel out of sorts, have symptoms that feel as though we are sick, or can experience pain in different areas than before. The latter is…

The 4 Stages of Tissue Freeze

The appearance of a bruise is a common result of Blocking an area that had previously been frozen. I say the appearance of a bruise because the reason for the discoloration of the tissue isn’t from the breakage of capillaries and the leaking of blood as in normal bruising, but from the influx of blood…

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