Off to The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference

Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference

This is an exciting week. I am off to Saskatoon, Calgary and Red Deer to present Fluid Isometrics and teach Block Therapy. I’m off to The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference on May 24 and 25 where I will be teaching Block Therapy, self care, as well as how to use the Block Buddy in your practice. I want to thank NHPC for giving me the opportunity to share this incredible form of body work with a new group of people.

I also want to share an amazing book I just finished, The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. Basically, it teaches that happiness is a choice and how to observe the mind to understand how to overcome the crazy thinking patterns that are constantly dragging us down. It is simple and profound, and empowers you to make your life better.

I really connected to  Singer’s teachings. There is a lot of overlap with how I see the body. One chapter is even titled “pain, the price of freedom.” I so appreciate this as Block Therapy is, in part, about teaching people how to become pain seekers and become friends with this language in the body.

Crazy as it may sound, by choosing to view pain from a different perspective, we can liberate ourselves from suffering and release stress and tension in our life and relationships. There is nothing to lose and only peace, joy and love to gain.

Breathe & Believe.

Deanna Hansen

Here is a breakdown of the 2 days at
The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference


Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference Day 1:  

Fluid Isometrics is a technique targeting the fascia. The goal is to melt through the 2000 pounds per square inch force that is created in the tissue from scarring and compression. You will learn how to use the “Block Buddy” to accomplish this within your own body, thereby learning the wisdom of pain in your tissue and how to translate that to your patients. This day at The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference can stand on it’s own but will add enormous value to Day 2 of this program.

Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference Day 2:

The goal of day 2 at The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference is to teach you how to implement the “Block Buddy” into your practice as a body worker. You will learn how to affect scarring and compression deep within the tissue and to release this force with ease and efficiency. This day can also stand on it’s own, however combining the 2 days will leave you with a deeper understanding of the remarkable facial system and give you the confidence to apply Fluid Isometrics into your practice immediately.



Learn more about
The Natural Health Practitioners of Canada Conference here



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  1. I was so thrilled with your class! I’m so excited to bring what you’ve taught me into my practice. I wish you the best for the future, and if you end up here again, I’ll be there!

    1. Thank you so much for your comment Sarah! Keep us updated with your progress. We will be back to teach more Block Therapy soon. More details will be shared in our newsletter so be sure to subscribe.

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