New Body Work Practice Effective Treatment for Rotatory Scoliosis

WINNIPEG, MB—July 29, 2014—As a child, Christopher Wiebe was diagnosed with Rotatory Scoliosis and told he wouldn’t live past age 21. In 2012, Christopher was introduced to Deanna Hansen, a Winnipeg-based athletic therapist and founder of Fluid Isometrics.

Since starting treatment for Rotatory Scoliosis with Deanna Christopher’s health has improved dramatically. Today he is 18 years old. The severe curvature of his spine has been reduced to such an extent that he is able to walk upright and experiences only the minor symptoms that have restricted his ability to live a full and productive life for so many years.

Because of Deanna Hansen and Fluid Isometrics, Christopher’s future looks bright and his prognosis is good. He plans to one day be a Block Therapy instructor so that he can share with others the thing that has given him hope.

 About Fluid Isometrics

Developed over fifteen years by Winnipeg-based athletic therapist and author, Deanna Hansen, Fluid Isometrics is a body work practice that utilizes either the practitioner’s hands or a wooden block to bring heat into an area and melt frozen fascia (scar tissue), releasing it from the area and thereby promoting increased blood and oxygen flow—critical to health and healing. Over time, our fascia compresses layer over layer. If we allow this compression to develop over time fat can build up, disease can settle in, aches and pains become chronic. Block Therapy harnesses the power of Fluid Isometrics.

To learn more about Christopher’s story watch the video on and read about him at

Press Contact

Tina Lussier
204 299-4758

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