Rotatory Scoliosis – Christopher’s Story

May 2013

Christopher1 Sept 2012
Before: September 2012
Christopher - April 2013
After: April 2013






I had the pleasure of meeting a remarkable young man in September. He was diagnosed with Rotatory Scoliosis and the prognosis was dim. He was told he might have only a few years to live as his body was winding down, compressing his organs.

When I first saw him my heart ached for this young man. His body was twisted and contorted and one could see the stress and pressure that afflicted him.  It was obvious that this young man was seriously struggling, unhappy with his situation.

I have worked on Christopher now for eight months, and I have to say he is the patient that has brought me the greatest sense of joy and accomplishment. The progress we have made is extraordinary and seeing this young man awaken and become alive is beyond words.

We have not completed our journey but I believe we don’t have too much further to go. Take the time and really observe Christopher’s before and after pictures. With every treatment he is becoming stronger, his body is unwinding and is becoming more symmetrical and balanced. He is eating more and is exercising and walking more fluidly and with greater ease, like a normal teenage boy.

Christopher, to me, is the greatest gift. This young man, who has suffered years of pain and discomfort, has shown the strength and resolve to follow through and allow Fluid Isometrics to change his path. He is a remarkable young man. I am honored to have the privilege to spend time and work with him, and see his body transform. We still have more work to do but I think you can see that we are, without a doubt, on the right track.

Breathe & Believe,

UPDATE: April 2014

As a child, Christopher was diagnosed
with Rotatory Scoliosis.
Doctors told him he would not live past age 21.

Read the update on Christopher’s progress here

Follow Christopher as he shares his Journey Through Scoliosis on Facebook

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  1. Jesus I Praise You, for the guiding us to Deanna and the AWSOME work You are doing in and through Christopher and Deanna and Amen!
    Thankyou, with all of my heart, Deanna!

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