90 Day Challenge – Advanced Version

I’m preparing for a big event. With Spring around the corner, it only seems fitting to do another challenge -- one that will transform, enlighten and educate. Now that we have people who have made this practice a lifestyle for years, it’s time to ramp up the fun, dive into the more advanced version of this practice, take it over a period of 3 months and document the amazing results from those who dare!!!

Fascia is the most amazing system. It responds to life’s stresses, supports our alignment, allows cells to communicate at the speed of light, and ensures smooth transport of nutrients to cells, as well as toxins and waste from cells; if we give it what it needs. Unfortunately, most of us humans haven’t paid attention and have accepted the aging process as part of life. But what if we didn’t have to accept everything that happens -- and better yet, what if we could even reverse aging that has already taken place.

We can, and we already are doing that with the Block Therapy system. For me, being 21 years into this practice, I am aware of the immense changes I have experienced, but also aware of how far I still can go in reversing trauma, aging, and finding emotional and mental clarity. Even when I choose to abuse myself, I am thrilled with how quickly my system can reset and get back to a place of flow and ease.

This challenge is going to take those who engage to an entirely new alignment and awareness, as well as connect more fully to your deeper parts, so you can learn what those cells that have been ignored and blocked, are teaching. Every cell in the body has information to guide you to the best life possible, but we have allowed them to be pushed away, blocked from our conscious awareness. Although a journey of a lifetime, each layer you uncover connects you to an earlier time, filled with information and meaning. To hear what those cells are saying is like listening to the sounds of lost loves, sharing wisdom and intelligence with their song. It’s like coming home.

When it comes to fascia, it’s all about creating healthy habits. The goal is to have every single cell suspended in perfect alignment. The reality, we have a compressed and twisted form that needs releasing and realigning. I am really excited for this opportunity to spend 90 consecutive days driving a targeted and intentional journey for those to follow.

This program will consist of single and double blocking (both the Block Buddy and Baby are required to fully access all the classes), alignment training, Fluid Isometrics (working with your hands on your body), education on cause sites and pain sites, and a specifically directed protocol so to make the most efficient use of our time. To add, there will be a weekly live call to set the intention for the week and to have a Q & A to address any questions in the moment. At the end of the 90 days, you will have a much fuller understanding of you, your cells, your fascia and how to proceed with your self-care.

For those who want to participate, there is also a contest. This is not a requirement to do the challenge, but an amazing opportunity for us to get before and after photos to share the benefits of Block Therapy -- and of course, there are prizes. 

  • First Prize: 1 year in the Block Therapy Membership
  • Second Prize: 6 months in the Block Therapy Membership
  • Third Prize: 3 months in the Block Therapy Membership

The Block Therapy team will determine the winner based on the greatest overall changes in posture and alignment. 

For those who submit photos that we can use for marketing purposes, you will receive a $50 credit to our Block Therapy Store.

I am so excited to be ramping up for this challenge -- it will be the most engaged and complete full body program we have yet created. Of course, this will stay in the Block Therapy membership for continued use and enjoyment.

Join me as we begin this journey on Thursday, April 1st, with our first live call commencing at 10:00am central. I look forward to seeing you there!!!
You can join the challenge here

Breathe & Believe

Next Week:  Fluid Isometrics and Fascia Unwinding

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