Living in the Center

To be in the center of it all gives you access to everything. Living in the periphery can be isolating and cold. Think of a fire. Those closest to the flame will receive the most warmth but those at a distance will be left out in the cold. This is also true of our cells and their positioning inside the body.

The diaphragm is the center. It’s the muscle that separates the core from the ribcage. Through the action of this muscle moving up and down in the center of the body, it functions to keep all cells properly fed and clean for optimal health, but in order for this to occur, a focus on alignment is key.

The diaphragm is a plate of muscle situated at the base of the ribcage. It moves down with the inhale and up with the exhale. When properly exercised, it acts like the body’s furnace, ensuring delivery of oxygen to all cells. The mechanical action of this muscle creates a continual massage to the organs, and a strength to support the weight of the contents in the ribcage, arms, shoulders and head. The challenge is that without paying attention to this muscle, everything changes.

The diaphragm is unique. It is the only muscle under our conscious and unconscious control. We are going to survive through the body’s ability to adapt and use its secondary muscles to pull in oxygen, but this is like driving on a spare tire all the time. A spare tire is a temporary fix in a time of need and is not intended to drive far distances.

If the secondary muscles for breathing are used all the time, there is a different limit to how long the breath can service your body. Just like driving with a spare tire, this weaker version has a capacity far different. Keeping all parts of the car functioning at it’s best will create the most longevity and the least complications through the very act of taking care of it.

For me, living in the center is making sure that the central needs for health are the key focus; oxygen is the most important nutrient to thrive, so to ensure an ease of delivery to each cell becomes my greatest priority. No matter what else I do, as long as I have this part as a focus, I know I am keeping my cells fed and clean so they can function with ease.


For me, living in the center is making sure that the central needs for health are the key focus; oxygen is the most important nutrient to thrive, so to ensure an ease of delivery to each cell becomes my greatest priority. No matter what else I do, as long as I have this part as a focus, I know I am keeping my cells fed and clean so they can function with ease.

Deanna Hansen - Founder

Remember the blogs I wrote on Living in the Exhale and Living in the Balance? Let’s expand on this. As an exercise, sit with both feet planted firmly on the ground. Feel that you are sitting with equal pressure on both sides. Squeeze a book between your thighs to stabilize your foundation. With the exhale, rotate to one direction, keeping your butt firmly planted on the chair. Inhale and come back to neutral, exhale and move in the opposite direction. Take this nice and slow. Notice if you can rotate equally in both directions. Practise this 3 times per day, taking 10 breaths each direction. Do this daily for 1 week. 

Before the week is over, you should start noticing a deeper sense of control in your core. Your back will be supported from the strengthening of the psoas so movement in general will be easier. When doing activity throughout the day, anytime you are rotating, feel it coming from this space of control. Learn to always integrate the breath with movement so to keep your body supported. Not only will it help to prevent injury, but it will also build your strength in the center. When you learn to live in the center, you consistently build your ability to thrive lifelong.

You always have a choice. You can allow gravity to take the lead and control the outcome of your life, or you can become a conscious body, choosing to drive this amazing container in its most harmonious way. It takes focus and discipline, but it’s also what the body was built to do. It’s not something you have to train, but something to look after and love. Everything falls into place when you make the breath the central focus of your life.

There is also no rush; it’s consistency that is key. The baby steps add up and before you know it, improvement has occurred. 

Breathe & Believe

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