Deepen Your Intuition

This blog relates to week 3 of our 21 Day Head, Neck and Face program. Now that we have focused on the ribcage, shoulders and neck, we are moving to the head to create a release of the scalp on the skull as well as free the adhesions all around the head and face. The theme of this week is Deepen Your Intuition.

Intuition relates to a person’s ability to know something without the need for conscious reasoning. Some call it a sixth sense. This ability is believed to be linked to the pineal gland, located in the brain between the hypothalamus and pituitary gland.
Having a strong connection to your intuition is an amazing gift. It offers you the ability to make decisions based on an inner feeling of what is true. I personally feel that it is the deeper connection we have to all our cells that strengthens this ability, as each cell sends a message to the brain so that we can respond accordingly to whatever stimuli is placed in front of us at every moment.

This speaks to the importance of understanding that the fascia is the communication system for every cell, and the importance of keeping our cells in their proper position. If this is the case, there is optimal space in the body for flow. It is when the body compresses over time from unconscious posture, breath and gravity, that roadblocks get in the way of flow, causing a system that has congestion and chaos. Not only does this affect your physical health, but also your ability to connect to each moment as unique, and fully interpret the right action for your best interest in any situation.
As discussed in the blog – Open Your Heart, the heart sends blood and oxygen to each cell, who then communicates with the brain to create an action. If you have optimal space in your body, then every one of your trillions of cells gives input to the brain to provide best action. If the body is riddled with adhesion and scar tissue, then many cells are blocked from flow which affects optimal communication. This leaves gaps in the system which cause you to act on memory instead of seeing each moment as unique for what it is.
Imagine you are about to go somewhere you have been many times and in the past you have always felt safe. Then at this one moment, as you are about to enter you have a strange feeling somewhere, maybe in your gut. If you have an open and healthy fascia system, this may cause you to stop and reflect on what this could mean. Is there danger, should you proceed with caution? At that point, you do what you need to ensure that your surroundings are safe before you decide on what action you will take.

Block Therapy is a practice that supports cell alignment, which means healthy fascia. This allows the communication system to run smoothly so there are no hiccups as the messages travel from heart to cell to brain. This is something that can be strengthened through not only releasing adhesions, but also through practice.
Deanna Hansen - Founder
Conversely, in this same scenario, if your system is already chaotic and anxiety is a common sensation, your communication system is not as intact to give you the heads up that danger may be present. Your intuition isn’t as strong as there is static (adhesions) blocking the signals.
Block Therapy is a practice that supports cell alignment, which means healthy fascia. This allows the communication system to run smoothly so there are no hiccups as the messages travel from heart to cell to brain. This is something that can be strengthened through not only releasing adhesions, but also through practice.
A great exercise is to pay attention to how you feel every time you meet someone. Do you feel calm and happy to connect, do your feel anxious or unsettled? Pay attention to what your body is telling you. Each time you give yourself a moment to reflect and integrate what you are feeling, you give service to your intuition, and it strengthens over time. How amazing would it be to “know” to avoid situations that later could cause distress, rather than having to experience the fallout of that interaction because you didn’t know how to trust your intuition.
At a minimum, and not to degrade the gift this will bring, the more you connect to how your cells are feeling, the calmer you become. It is a great practice to get out of your thinking mind and centre yourself in your body. This in itself is a form of meditation and will help you manage stress.
Breathe & Believe
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