How Fascia Decompression Benefits Scar Tissue

Scars occur when there is a break in the integrity of tissue and are a natural part of the healing process. They can result from accidents, surgery, diseases and skin conditions such as acne. Collagen fibers, a naturally occurring protein in the body, form to mend the damaged tissue. Scars tend to be flat and pale, an indicator of the lack of blood flow present in the scar.

Scars occur when there is a break in the integrity of tissue and are a natural part of the healing process. They can result from accidents, surgery, diseases and skin conditions such as acne. Collagen fibers, a naturally occurring protein in the body, form to mend the damaged tissue. Scars tend to be flat and pale, an indicator of the lack of blood flow present in the scar.

Gravity grips onto dense tissue. Think of a balloon that is filled with air -- it almost defies gravity. Take half the air out and it falls to the ground at a faster rate. Take all the air out and it has no ability to levitate at all. Scar tissue is like the balloon with no air. Inside a body, gravity will find the dense tissue and pull it to the ground at a faster rate than the rest of the tissue. 

As we are asymmetrical (dominant on one side), and as energy moves in waves and spirals, scar tissue twists inside the body as we age. As the fascia is designed to support and protect us, like a spider web, it reaches for things to connect to in order to stop the body from tipping over. Adhesions, also made up of collagen, form to create the stability required within. However, this comes with a price. The lack of elasticity creates a body that is rigid in its movements. Whether talking about moving your joints or the movement of fluids within, it impacts all of it, creating pain, stagnancy, aging and even trapping emotional charges that lead to on-going issues with traumas from the past.

In my twenties, I had a breast reduction. The scars from this surgery are under both breasts, as well as a line up from the base of the breast and around the nipple. Although pleased with the result as my size created a lot of frustration, in time, the scars began to affect me in other ways. Most notably, my breathing.

At the time, I was training to run a half marathon. I had recently developed some allergies and as a result was prescribed an inhaler. As I was training, I was struggling with my breathing and found that if I had a puff of the inhaler I could run for longer. This however was only a temporary solution as I became desensitized to the benefits. At first, I needed only 1 puff before the run, then I began to carry it with me and would need a puff mid run, then it eventually didn’t help at all. This was a major reason as to why I gave up running.

Fast forward a few years, once I began this self-care journey using my hands on my body, I learned that what happened was the scars were pulling my ribs together, becoming sticky on the bones and decreasing the space in the ribcage for my lungs to function optimally. As I became more familiar with the differences in tissue that was healthy, compared to tissue lacking space from compression over time, I realized I was able to put the space back into the tissue that time had taken away. As I worked in this area, the scars themselves began to change, the breast tissue became more symmetrical and lifted, and my breath became much stronger.

I can still see the scars but they have become almost invisible and the tissue moves fluidly over the ribs, where before they were stuck. If I knew then what I know now, I wouldn’t have chosen the surgery, however, it gave me a deep understanding of what fascia decompression can do to scars, at any depth inside the body. I have also learned that addressing injury to tissue at an early stage will change the development of the scar and lessen the negative impact.

The body is amazing at healing itself when given what it needs. We are so much stronger than we know, and the body can repair at an incredible rate if you understand how to keep the fascia healthy. In Block Therapy we focus on 3 pillars: Creating the Space that is lost over time from aging (compression) and scar tissue build up, inflating that space with blood and oxygen from strengthening the diaphragmatic breath, and maintaining proper cell alignment through strengthening postural foundations. The benefits of this are preventative, as well as healing from past wounds -- physical or emotional.

To learn more, download our FREE Ultimate Fascia Decompression Starter Kit!

Breathe and Believe

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