Living in the Balance

We often hear people talking about living a balanced life. I believe this is easier said than done. Depending on where you are in your life; there are moments in time when you need to put more focus on one area than the other.

Perhaps your family needs your attention, or you are starting a new job which takes more time, or you are retiring, and you can now focus on doing all the things you put off until time allowed, or your health is calling you to make yourself the forefront of your attention. Wherever you are with your ability to prioritize, when you can bring balance to your physical body, that helps all other aspects of your life.

Let me explain further.

We all know that one side of the body dominates the other: the majority of people are right-handed. It’s not as though we need to have perfect symmetry in the body, even the organs in the core are asymmetrical in nature. However, if we let the body fall into the patterns of what this asymmetry creates, it can affect all aspects of life . . . including how we perceive it.

We have both a feminine and masculine side -- the right side is the masculine, the left is the feminine. Even the emotions that get stuck in the organs fall into this bias. Anger, an emotion more masculine in nature, is stored in the liver on the right side. Sadness, more feminine in nature, is stored in the stomach, on the left side. For us to be balanced humans, we need to embrace all emotions. It has been our conditioning to allow men to access anger more freely, and women to access sadness. How often has the boy been shamed for crying, or the girl being shut down for expressing outrage?

This week I encourage you to focus on how you are standing – all the time. If you think of your feet like tires on a car, if one is flat, the entire vehicle gets pulled to that system. If left unchecked, it won’t be long before other issues arise that are expensive, time consuming and frustrating to say the least. The body is no different.

We are incredibly adaptable. The fascia is designed to take care of the cells and support our highest good. If we focus on using our body in a balanced and healthy way, the cells maintain correct alignment and function with ease. It is when the cells are pulled away from their natural resting place that they become stressed and proceed to speak to us with sensations of pain and other issues. One very simple thing to do to support a balanced posture is to always have equal weight on both feet.

This may sound simple, but when we get pulled into our brain (which is most of the time), we forget about the body and its proper use. Our habits of falling into the space within through shifting our weight to support the dominant side cause us to migrate away from correct alignment and suffer the consequence. And the consequences reach every aspect of our being.


This may sound simple, but when we get pulled into our brain (which is most of the time), we forget about the body and its proper use. Our habits of falling into the space within through shifting our weight to support the dominant side cause us to migrate away from correct alignment and suffer the consequence. And the consequences reach every aspect of our being.

Deanna Hansen - Founder

Not only does asymmetry affect our physical body, but it also affects our brain and emotional ability to handle stress. When one side of the body is used less than the other, dominance and weakness present. 

What would it be like to be balanced within, so that both sides of your brain are getting the same amount of stimulation, so that each side of the body can move with strength and ease, and all emotions have the ability to be felt, expressed and released? Imagine what this would be like.

What is great about the body is that by focusing on one of the three areas, the others travel along. So an easy step to integrate balance into the body is to always make sure that you have equal weight on both feet. This may sound simple, but our unconscious bias toward the dominant side is built into our habits. Shining a light on this is a way to create a solid change to aligning the body and creating balance within.

Whenever you are standing, pay attention. If you are doing dishes, brushing your teeth, talking to a friend . . . have equal weight on both feet. Make this a focus for a week and notice the changes. It’s a simple exercise to suggest but the habits ingrained need persuasion over time. Give it one week of making this your focus and notice the changes you feel in your body. In time, notice the changes you feel in your mood, your ability to release stuck emotion and your mental attitude.  It’s all connected!

Breathe & Believe

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