Back to the Basics: Pain is Your Friend

Continued from Back to the Basics: The Importance of Turning up the Heat and Optimal Oxygenation blog…When people hear “pain is your friend” for the first time, they think you are nuts. How could you possibly be friends with something so awful, something that ruins peoples’ lives? That was my way of thinking, until I experienced…


Completion is defined as the action or process of finishing something. We have just completed the 90-Day Challenge – The Advanced Version, and I want to congratulate all who participated and stayed on track. This is quite an accomplishment to commit to something for a three-month period of time, with a specific daily routine. We…


Revitalization is defined as the action of imbuing something with new life and vitality. If you knew that each year of life you could imbue your body with new life and vitality, wouldn’t this be a goal you would want to pursue? This is what the process of Block Therapy is all about. Once we…

Fascia and Gum Health

I have always had issues with my teeth. As a young girl, I had a quirky smile. I always joked I looked like Bugs Bunny with my two front teeth protruding significantly. I knew braces were in my future, but before I was old enough to start wearing them, at the age of 9, I…


Transcendence is defined as existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. We have so many opportunities in life to transcend, as we are in fact, a spiritual being living inside a physical body. I see the best way to accomplish this is to create space. Space allows us the opportunity to see things…


Trust is defined as the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something. Personally speaking, I feel trusting in oneself is one of the hardest things, as we all have behaviours and habits that take us away from our goals. I also feel it’s easier to forgive others when they…

Effortless Effort

I first heard the term Effortless Effort when taking the teacher training program for Iyengar Yoga. At the time, I was naturally flexible in certain areas, and extremely bound in others. Going into yoga postures is a wonderful way to identify those stuck spots in the body, as you feel the resistance. It also becomes…

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