Fascia and Gum Health

I have always had issues with my teeth. As a young girl, I had a quirky smile. I always joked I looked like Bugs Bunny with my two front teeth protruding significantly. I knew braces were in my future, but before I was old enough to start wearing them, at the age of 9, I broke one of them in half. Having a cap lifelong has always created a challenge for me as the cap never fit quite right and has cause a lot of wearing of my bottom teeth.

I also had a primary tooth that didn’t come out on its own. An X-ray revealed the secondary tooth was sitting above the bone. Right after I had my braces put on, they did a surgery where they sliced through the roof of the mouth, drilled through the bone and into the tooth, placed a hook on that tooth so every time they would tighten my braces, it would draw the tooth down . . . that was fun!

In my late teens, as my life spiralled out of control, I had horrendous issues with TMJ. Not having the tools to manage stress at the time, I remember a point when I wasn’t even able to open my jaw as the clenching had become so habitual and forceful. At that time, I broke a molar in half and for years, dealt with the instability of that tooth.

In my thirties, 3 of my wisdom teeth came through. I am a believer to keep all parts of my body so went against the recommendations to have them removed, and still have them to this day. Wondering if the 4th wisdom tooth would ever surface, 3 years ago it started its journey - a painful process as this massive tooth had to pierce through 50-year-old gums and is still finding its way.

I also didn’t take my own advice through the years and dealt with my teeth and gums using force. I brushed aggressively and used wooden picks to clean between the teeth and became somewhat obsessive with keeping my teeth white. I am extremely sensitive to chemicals and knew I would never resort to the current methods of whitening teeth, so my approach ended up taking a toll on my gums.


Changes in the mouth affect every part of your head – all the structures are supported by correct alignment of the fascia.

Deanna Hansen - Founder

A few years back I noticed my gums had started to recede. This caused me to make other changes to make improvements, but the receding continued. Blocking my face and working in my mouth with my hands wasn’t doing the job I wanted, and I started to become really concerned as the receding continued. My teeth had even started to move more toward each other and the colour seemed to change rather quickly, making me really self-conscious when I smiled. My gums were sore, my teeth were looking stressed, and I could feel the space between the gum and tooth, noting the bone beneath.

Language is a funny thing. I trusted my wisdom about the fascia and believed that anything that happens over time can be undone, but I had missed something crucial. I got caught in the world of receding gums. Everywhere you search there are ways to manage them, but all the information suggested they can’t grow back. Then it struck to stop calling them receding gums. My fascia had migrated - that’s all; I just hadn’t focused on the appropriate cause sites.

I finally got out of my head and addressed the areas necessary to coax the fascia to go back to proper alignment. I am thrilled to say that within 10 days of doing 20 minutes per day, my gums had improved 50%. Within 3 weeks I noticed my teeth had also migrated back to a better alignment, were looking cleaner and whiter, and the lines around my mouth improved. Even my cheeks have lifted and filled out, and I am smiling freely again, without any concern of the signs of aging making me feel self-conscious. There have been other exciting improvements as well, most notably my vision has improved.

Now, the one area that always caused me frustration in my body is in my control and I am so excited to share this with you.

Join for this 4-part series, where I will take you through the steps to move your fascia back! There is No Block Required, as all work will be done with your hands.

This will be over the course of 8 weeks with a class every 2 weeks. Each class will build from the one prior, with 2 weeks in between sessions to create the changes needed for the next steps.

This will be done live, followed by a Q and A, and you will receive the recording to have lifelong.

I am so excited to be sharing this with you. Changes in the mouth affect every part of your head – all the structures are supported by correct alignment of the fascia, so spending concentrated time on the roof of the mouth, the gums, and on the inside of jaw and the cheeks creates incredible changes that will delight you.

  • Dates: July 8, July 22, August 5, August 19
  • Time: 10:00am – 11:00am CDT
  • Price: $129.00 if you sign up on or before July 7th, $149.00 after this date.
  • P.s. If you are subscribed to the Block Therapy Membership, there is a special discount code waiting for you on your My Membership dashboard.

    All teachers in Block Therapy University receive special pricing for all Virtual Intensives that you can locate here.

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    1. I have TMJ as a result some teeth have CURVED to the right over many years. I can’t see how this will actually mix the curve ‘ ( ‘ -like teeth. I can see changing alignment and migrating back to to original but tooth would still be ‘curved and would need to be filled or have braces if even that works.
      Am I wrong in assuming this Deanna.
      Thanks in advance for a response.

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