90 Day Program Success Story

90 Days to a whole new youWhen it comes to educating people on breathing and posture, I often find the response quite interesting. Many seem opposed to this information, and the only reason I can think of is because people want the answers to come from somewhere else, rather from within ourselves.

I think the most amazing thing is that we can be our own health advocate. When we apply the steps I have laid out in my 90 day program, what happens is we start to connect with our inner world. When we do this we start to understand what the body is trying to tell us, and it really does start in the core.

Some people are afraid to put direct pressure into the belly, however, the force that the body puts in this area from incorrect posture and breathing can be as powerful as 2000 lbs/square inch. Imagine how much pressure that is – no wonder so many of us suffer from anxiety, digestive issues, weight problems, to name a few. I know because I did suffer from all those things. It wasn’t until I began to put pressure into my belly that I started changing everything.

My 90 day program goes through the simple changes we can make on a day to day basis that result in huge changes in little time. Read Wendy’s experience so far:

 “Hello Deanna;

I just have to start off my email with some amazing results from the use of the block.  I started using the block and following your 90 day program which I am totally addicted to. Following everything, I have some amazing results, such as a reduction of 1 1/2 inches off waist, 11/2 inches off hips, & 2  inches off bust.  I am only on day 17.  With that said I had shared this with my daughter who was 7 months pregnant and dealing with an issue with her sciatic nerve down her leg.  She is a baker and stands on her feet for long periods and this has caused issue.  To make a long story short, she went for massage and it helped, but the best was when she tried using the block and breathing through it.  She hasn’t had an issue since. She continues to bake and is now nearing her due date, and since using the block she has had no issue.  WOW, that saved her time, money, and feels amazing.  Both her and my other daughter are now going to be buying a block from you.”

Start your journey today!

Order 90 Days To A Whole New You – The Online Program

If you have any questions please feel free to send me an email.

Breathe & Believe

Deanna Hansen

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