David Wolfe Talks about Fluid Isometrics

David Wolfe Testimonial

While playing Volleyball, David Wolfe injured his foot.

David Wolfe injured his foot while playing volleyball with Deanna Hansen, founder
of Fluid Isometrics. Deanna amazed him with one treatment. David Wolfe later had another treatment from Deanna and was kind enough to give us his testimonial – twice.

Read what David Wolfe had to say about his treatment.

“I had the opportunity when I was in Winnipeg to meet Deanna Hansen of FluidIsometrics.com. We came out to Falcon Lake together, we were playing volleyball with a whole group of friends and I busted my foot really badly. I thought it was broken and Deanna was right there – actually right there at the moment it happened and worked on my foot and literally, it would have been a 3 week on crutches type of injury and I am WALKING right now. This is the day after – so that is how effective Fluid Isometrics is. I also had the opportunity to have her work on my ribs, get really deep into the fascia, some areas where I had some injuries and it just opened everything right up and I feel amazing. So thumbs up to Fluid Isometrics and Deanna Hansen and her team. I’m David Avocado Wolfe and my work is in the area of nutrition, super foods, raw foods, spring water and of course all healing technologies that are associated with having the best day ever.”

It was “A Pioneer Moment” says David Wolfe

Greetings everybody this is David Avocado Wolfe. I had a treatment today with Deanna Hansen and it was amazing. I’ve been working on an old injury since 1989. It really took me 16 years to kind of get through it and I’ve been expanding my chest and opening up my rib cage but today was really a pioneer moment. Opened up everything, it was really special and I actually felt like I got taller, my ribs came in, my stomach got flatter and it was just amazing! I’ve been doing a lot of physical fitness lately too – a lot, more than I’ve done in 25 years, and to have this work done on my body right now – incredible! It felt so good! So I just want to give Deanna Hansen a big thumbs up! She knows what she’s doing. She’s an expert in getting into your tissue, opening up that rib cage, opening up the stomach, opening up all those fibres so you can breathe deeper, enjoy life more, have less sore muscles and of course, have the best day ever!

Fluid Isometrics is an advanced manual therapy system that targets the connective tissue (fascia) in the body. The founder, Athletic Therapist & Author Deanna Hansen wanted to be able to bring this type of self-care to everyone who needs it regardless of where they were in the world or what their income bracket is so she created Block Therapy. You can do this life-changing work at home by ordering the Block Therapy Intro Video Series or by attending Block Therapy Classes (currently available in Winnipeg only – but coming to a city near you soon).

Learn more about Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy by joining us on Facebook

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