Non-Surgical Treatment for Chronic Back Pain
Pain in the body is the result of blood and energy flow not reaching the cells due to scar tissue build-up and blockages. Back pain is one of the most common areas for people to suffer with pain.
We are like a building. The body is designed to support its structure by putting conscious attention into maintaining its foundations. If you build something on a foundation that is weak, problems will arise that can be devastating, not to mention costly.
The foundations of the body are designed to keep us upright and to support and contain the approximate 100 trillion cells that we are made up of, so they are able to properly perform their function. If we lose the foundation, the cells migrate from where they are supposed to be and can no longer do their job.
In addition, when a strong foundation isn’t maintained, the body creates false walls and false floors in an attempt to keep us upright. These false walls and floors consist of compressed fascia and act like scar tissue, blocking blood and energy flow to cells, causing pain and dysfunction. This results in many seeking a non-surgical treatment for chronic back pain.
Look at how the average person stands. Most people are hyperextend at the knees, causing the pelvis to tilt forward. This forward migration creates a build-up of compressed fascia in the front of the pelvis, which can hold the body out of alignment with a force up to 2000 lbs/square inch. This holding pattern causes the muscles in the back to chronically contract in an attempt to stabilize the body. But that isn’t the job of these muscles, and they fatigue and we experience pain. If the alignment isn’t corrected, over time the discs can herniate and the organs the pelvis supports can become squished and cease to function efficiently.
There is a lot of confusion for people about what to do when the body is in pain and function is minimized, but the answers are generally simple, if we understand the cause of our suffering.
For most situations, what needs to happen is the tissue holding us out of alignment needs to release. Then it needs to be supplied with enough oxygen to inflate the space that was created. We then need to make some basic postural changes to maintain proper alignment. This is a non-surgical treatment for chronic back pain that works.
My 90 – day program, and Block Therapy Intro Series address these issues and teach you how to melt restrictions, breathe life into compressed tissue, and make minor postural changes to properly support your body.
I created these programs based on the experience I have gained working with my own issues, as well as with thousands of patients over the years. What excites me the most is that, once you have the understanding and tools you need, you can look after most of your physical issues yourself, lifelong and in the comfort of your own home.
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