The First Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat Was A Great Success!

I just returned from teaching at our first Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat in Freeport, Bahamas July 16 – 19. I cannot imagine a more beautiful place to spend four intensive days on the Block Buddy. The heat and humidity combined with the calm, serene environment of The Bahamas allowed for an incredible connection, to our cells, ourself, and to each other. This created a magnificent learning opportunity for me to deeply engage with a small group. Block Therapy is moving to a new level with the Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat and I am thrilled to be planning more of these retreats in the near future to assist you on your healing journey.

The Best Part Of The Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat

The best part of the Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat was to have the opportunity to connect to incredible people and planting the seeds for lasting relationships. I had the huge honour of meeting Dr. Julia Bowlin and her daughter. They participated in The Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat and experienced Block Therapy for the first time. Julia and I have shared some similar past painful experiences which allowed for an instant connection. Julia’s expertise, passion and purpose for creating a better world is invaluable moving forward. This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

Watch Dr. Julia Bowlin’s Amazing Testimonial
About The Bahamas Block Therapy Retreat

 A Block Buddy Birthday Cake!

I also had a wonderful birthday celebration in The Bahamas!
I arrived the day after my birthday and was surprised
with the most incredible cake resembling the Block Buddy.
Even the knots in the wood were displayed in the icing and
it tasted wonderfully delicious. I ate a lot of cake!

The New SHOUT Webinar Series Coming Soon

I am excited to be offering a new free webinar series that we call SHOUT – ‘Share Health Open Up Truth’. The first webinar in the SHOUT series, will begin the evening of August 20th. Stay tuned for the time and details of how to log on and become a part of this community. My main intention is to create a safe environment for us to gather and share experiences, and to support one another as we shift our posture to a new alignment with Block Therapy. Shift Happens and the best way to navigate through uncertainty are with those who have gone through it. Be sure to follow us on Facebook for announcements about SHOUT!

Breathe & Believe



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  1. What an amazing honor it was to have Deanna in person teaching us all the power we have to heal ourselves through Block Therapy. The memories we were able to share as we each had our own unique breakthroughs as ‘shift ‘happened will be remembered as a landmark moment that we each were empowered to take our health back ! Deanna live in person in a stunningly beautiful setting of the Bahamas does it get any better than that ? Make it a goal to get there and bring someone you love to have a huge breakthrough together…..E-Mail to find out the details for October’s Block Therapy Retreat in Freeportt Bahamas… is better in the Bahamas !

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