
Clarity is defined as the quality of being coherent and intelligible; the quality of transparency or purity.
I’m sure we have all experienced brain fog from time to time, or moments when our memory isn’t quite as sharp. There can be many reasons for this, but no matter the reason, a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain will be part of the cause.

Just like every cell in the body, the alignment of the brain is crucial for optimal health so it can receive the nutrients it requires to function, as well as be cleared of any debris that will limit transmissions. Let’s take our mind to what is going on inside the head to get a deeper understanding.
The brain has a right and left side, and each side contains four lobes. Here is a basic description of the function of each lobe:
Frontal Lobe: some parts of speech, emotions, reasoning, planning, problem solving, and movement
Parietal Lobe: processes information about temperature, taste, touch and movement
Occipital Lobe: responsible for vision
Temporal Lobe: processing auditory information and encoding memory

These are just the basics. In Joe Dispenza’s book: Evolve Your Brain – The Science of Changing Your Mind, he goes into great detail about the specifics of brain function. It is an amazing read if you want to get that involved, but for our purposes, knowing the basics is enough to understand the importance of alignment.
The skull is a container for the brain and is composed of 8 cranial bones. These bones are held together by unique joints called sutures, made up of connective tissue (fascia). This gives the skull room to adapt its shape over time as forces present. One of the constant forces the body is subject to is gravity, and even this drags on the bones in the skull, morphing its shape over time.
The first thing that is obvious of the majority of people is that basically everyone’s head is tilted forward. The frontal lobe sits behind the forehead. Over time as this lobe becomes squished against the skull, there is less space for blood and oxygen to reach it. Remember, the function of the frontal lobe is for reasoning, emotions, problem solving, speech . . . by allowing the collapse of the rib cage into the core which draws the head forward and down, we are affecting these functions. It is common to expect brain function to deteriorate as we age . . . but does it have to?
Another observation to make is that no one’s head is positioned exactly in the center of their body, as we are dominant on one side. This dominance creates an asymmetry to the body, and the head will tilt one way or the other depending on a few factors. Whichever way it tilts, the lobes at the side of the brain will also be getting squished which in time, affects their function.
If you struggle with issues with balance and coordination, hearing loss or issues with vision, notice the alignment of your head and compare that to the lobes that will be getting pushed up against the skull; see if you can make a connection.
In his book Successful Aging, Daniel Levitin comments that the prefrontal cortex is susceptible to age related decreases in blood flow, changes in the structure of cells, and reduction of volume (shrinkage). A biological explanation is there is no evolutionary pressure for the prefrontal cortex to stay sharp in old age, just as there is no evolutionary pressure for anything to stay sharp in old age. And so processing speed, led by prefrontal cortex decline, slows down.
I have a different view.
The prefrontal cortex is located just behind the forehead. The “shrinkage” comes from compression as a result of the forward head alignment, which happens with normal aging. However, we have the ability to change this.
With Block Therapy, we teach you how to unlock the gravity driven density in the body and free yourself to claim a new alignment; one that will keep the flow to the brain optimal. It is my belief that the aging population needs to be heard for the wisdom they have gained. Keeping our brains sharp and clear of the fog that comes with sluggish blood flow can be a thing of the past.
If you would like to learn more from those who practice, our private Block Therapy Facebook community is filled with incredible testimonials and offerings of guidance and support from those who practice. Here is the direct link to join. I would love to see you there!
Breathe & Believe