The Power of Fluid Isometrics

Intuition is a powerful force. When you tune in and trust its guidance, magic happens.

I recently spent three days with an incredible family—a connection that began about three years ago, back in 2021, with one of my community members, Leah. She reached out to me on many occasions, and there was just something about her that I felt a deep connection. 

Tragedy struck their family this past year in November 2023, when her 21-year-old son, Daniel, was in a terrible car accident. It was a miracle that he survived. He was in a coma for a day and a half and faced a long road to recovery. His injuries included a traumatic brain injury (TBI), a broken clavicle that severely impacted his right arm and hand and some broken ribs, as the major issues. This once vibrant life force that had the world in front of him, came to a tragic halt, with a very uncertain future.

After months in the hospital, Daniel returned home to continue his rehabilitation. While he was walking and functioning on a basic level, the brain injury had affected his speech, and his recovery seemed to hit a plateau. Then, in the summer of 2024, he asked me on a Zoom call, with a spark in his eyes, “When are you coming to see me?”

That melted my heart. I knew then that he had likely reached a standstill in his progress. His mother shared that they were struggling, so I made plans to visit him and offer my help.

I didn’t ask many questions before I set out. They invited me to stay with them, and intuitively, I said yes. What I discovered was a self-sufficient homestead—acres of land, cows, chickens, and five incredibly talented and creative children who were homeschooled. Their sense of family and community was extraordinary and the warmth and love that embraced me the moment I arrived, was beyond anything I had expected. 

The First Days of Work

When I first saw Daniel, I was amazed by his physical capabilities - he could do things like pull-ups, feats that even people without his injuries often struggle with. However I quickly assessed that his strength, though impressive, was reinforcing deep negative fascia patterns. The scar tissue and compensations his body had developed were cementing these patterns, which, if left unchecked, would lead to further breakdown and limitations.

His right arm was functionally affected so he was mostly using his left hand and arm, he walked with an imbalance and was shaking from the right side being so weak and off balance, and it was difficult to understand him as his TBI left him without the ability to communicate with ease. Also, his tongue was trapped in the fascia pattern from the broken clavicle. Despite all of this, Daniel was a comedian. He would make fun of himself and used choice words to express his disillusionment, but the sparkle that was so evident when he smiled made me certain there was a drive in this young man to regain his life back, even though at the time, for him, it didn’t seem to be a possibility.

Daniel wanted surgery to correct the severe displacement of his collarbone. It broke about midway, causing an unconscious reaction to protect the vulnerable area, resulting in his shoulder being pulled forward and internally rotating in a way that severely impacted the mobility of his right arm. Fortunately, due to his TBI, surgery wasn't an option for at least two years, which gave us time to explore other healing possibilities.

Day 1

Breaking Through

The first day of working on Daniel was the most challenging. Fluid Isometrics is a deep form of fascia work, but it must be done in a way that allows the body to accept the pressure. Communication is key to ensuring that the individual can breathe deeply and relax into the process. It’s like starting with a solid block of ice, especially after trauma. The body freezes to protect itself, but if this freeze is left unchecked, adhesions continue to form, turning tissue into something that feels more like plastic or concrete.

This is where Daniel was when we started—feeling defeated, telling me he felt “ruined.” This was a young man, just 22, who had once been full of life, loved riding his motorcycle, creating beautiful art and jewelry, and building and fixing things with his hands. While I was there, I stayed in the space that was previously his room. This was his sanctuary that he no longer inhabited, as the stairs to the space made it unsafe - at least for now.

As I settled in, I began to appreciate his incredible talent. It was a warm and cozy space that was draped with his mastery of creation. I was blown away by the pictures he drew, the cabinets he built and the many treasures he created from his imagination. It saddened me for a moment, but as I worked with him and saw his courage to engage in this process, I felt inspired. This wasn’t the end of his story—it was just a difficult chapter. I felt certain that he would one day use this experience to help others.

The Shift

By day 2, I could feel significant changes in Daniel’s body, especially in his shoulder, one of the main areas where we had focused our work. His family also noticed shifts, even though Daniel was still frustrated that he couldn’t move the way he wanted. This is where the power of community became clear - they could see the progress, even when he couldn’t.

Day 2

Day 3 was magical. The accumulated effects of the work, combined with Daniel’s acceptance of the pain and pressure, allowed us to reach a depth that was truly remarkable. When the body experiences a fracture like his, it naturally contracts to protect the injury. But over time, these protective patterns become hindrances. The fascia forms deep grooves, fusing together and preventing natural movement.

This is where fascia decompression is so crucial - it helps unwind these patterns, releasing the body from its protective habits to enable true healing. The body is not just a container of parts - it’s a dynamic, fluid landscape that can heal in ways beyond conventional understanding.

As much as we all were seeing the changes in Daniel’s body, when I would ask him how he was feeling, he usually shrugged his shoulders as if to say, nothing has changed. I am not sure if this was due to the brain injury and he wasn’t able to see or feel what the rest of us could see, but there was a moment the last evening when I knew that there was excitement from him.

His father built a hyperbaric chamber to assist with Daniels healing. Daniel and I went in for a treatment for a 90 minute session, in a cylinder that felt that we were immersed in a submarine. This was the last time for me to work with him before I made my trek back to Winnipeg. We didn’t have a lot of space in the chamber, so we were lying beside each other. I wanted one last opportunity to work on the right arm, what I would say was the most impactful fascia fusion that impacted his body.

The elbow was in a major holding pattern that limited his ability to straighten the arm, as was the contracted hand that was always making a fist. The tension, force and density I encountered when working in this area was remarkable, but persistence with pressure over time does magical things. I was imagining what would have happened if they had done a surgery to correct the collarbone without resolving the tension in the arm and hand, how this would seal his fate, forever limiting his opportunity to fully heal.

As I worked on him, he made some hilarious comments. Even amidst his frustrations, his humour consistently came through. At one point he said to me, “I am just your play toy”, we both burst into laughter, but this was followed by him saying “this feels really cool”. This was the first time he said anything positive about the actual work, so I knew he was starting to feel the accumulated benefits.

After the treatment, which ended late in the evening, their family wanted to bless me with prayer and loving intention. To see all of them coming around me with grace and appreciation opened my heart to a new level of receiving love. At this time, we also viewed Daniel’s before and after photos, and everyone was blown away. In that moment, we knew Daniel wouldn’t need surgery, and that the healing that had happened opened a door to continued exploration of the power of Fluid Isometrics.

Day 3

Moving Forward

The welcoming and embracing of me into this incredible family has made Daniel someone that I will continue to work with so to share the benefits of Fluid Isometrics. As much as we have made tremendous progress, we have just begun. I will continue to work with him, both in person and virtually. The fact that I was given the opportunity to learn from him, the tragedy, and the desire to move forward has warmed my heart and embraced my soul. 

This experience with Daniel reaffirmed why I am so passionate about sharing Fluid Isometrics with others. We have the ability not only to manage pain but to transform lives. Helping someone move from a place of limitation to a new sense of freedom and empowerment is the most rewarding work I know.

Breathe & Believe,


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