The Gut-Brain Connection

Fascia is the communication highway between all cells in the body, connecting each to the other, but there is a special link between the gut and brain. This is because conscious attention is required to breathe diaphragmatically, and when you do, the environment in the gut is completely different than if you breathe unconsciously. The…

Fascia Bands

If a body is perfectly aligned lifelong, where every cell is positioned in its rightful space, the fascia would have the proper equilibrium of collagen and elastin throughout the body. This would allow for “effortless effort” with standing and movement. Like a new sponge, it could be twisted and squished but would always resume to…

Low Back Pain

Low back pain is extremely common, and for good reason. The low back is right at the center of the body where many forces manipulate its alignment. Let’s dive into the fascia to understand how vulnerable this area is, and what you can do to create both the stability and mobility that your body is…

Fascia and Exercise

The definition of exercise is activity requiring physical effort, carried out to sustain or improve health and fitness. I would assume that for most if not all of us, this is the reason that we put aside time and space in our lives for this – to make improvements. However, for many, exercise doesn’t always…

Fascia and Trauma

We live in a world where trauma is experienced by everyone. People have accidents, loved ones die, violence and abuse surround many people’s lives, many struggle with financial burdens and have accumulated debt . . .others experience trauma in family or schools resulting from being bullied, called names or feeling left out. Trauma can have…

Patterns in Nature

I have learned so much about the fascia by observing the patterns found in nature. To be able to “see” the way the body changes with time makes sense when you compare it to what you see in the natural world. For example, I have learned so much about the way fascia freezes and thaws…

4 Stages of Tissue Freeze

I remember when I was a kid and learned that at some point, we die. Prior to that moment, I believed (and who knows where this came from), that we age to 100 years old, then we start getting younger. The realization came when my mom mentioned that her cousin had passed, which totally threw…

Fascia and Inflammation

There is nothing like learning from experience. When information is gained through living the consequence of action in your own body, knowledge turns to wisdom. This is what I love about teaching fascia decompression – you are both the teacher and the student in the practice. I remember this one incident when I had a…

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