Diaphragmatic Breathing and Digestive Issues

Deaphragmatic BreathingOne of the reasons we go for massage is to improve blood flow. Cells that are fed and clean function optimally and with ease, giving us a feeling of calm and peace. When we breathe diaphragmatically, we are giving our internal organs a continual massage.

The diaphragm is a plate of muscle, which is the floor to the heart and lungs and the ceiling to the abdominal organs, including the stomach. When we breathe properly, this plate of muscle is keeping the organs heated and optimally fed with the nutrients required for them to do their job. It also efficiently removes waste material, by-products of functioning and even negative emotion from the tissue. If we breathe this way, the stomach would be able to break down food with ease.

When we breathe through the muscles of the upper chest, the automatic response to not breathing with the diaphragm, our chest actually collapses into the core, putting tremendous pressure on the abdominal organs. As there is no movement in the area from not breathing properly, the area also becomes cold. This dramatically affects the amount of blood that can reach the organs and they start to shut down. The stomach would be unable to produce the proper enzymes necessary to digest food and we are left with pain, leading to disease if not corrected.

Unfortunately, the majority of the population do not give proper attention to this incredible muscle, and the consequences are devastating to our health. The good news is that it doesn’t matter how old you are or what your health is at this time, if you start to practice conscious breathing you will immediately see benefits.

By putting 5 minutes of effort into your breathing every day we can make a massive difference in the ability for the body to feed and clean the organs.

Read this testimonial from
one of my patients who did this simple
exercise of Diaphragmatic Breathing


5 Minutes a Day and be Transformed!

September 20th. 2012
“While Deanna was giving my son Christopher a treatment, she asked me if I wanted to take that Block Buddy and put it under my bellybutton, while lying down on the floor and breathing deeply through my nostrils, and to do that for 5 minutes every day. Later the same day, my whole body was in pain.”

Sept. 21
“Today, I could feel every muscle in my body, but I feel better, after my 5 minutes exercises.”

Sept. 22
“After my 5 minutes of exercises, with the Block Buddy, it felt like someone took air filled balloons and sent them up to my shoulders, inside my muscles with pressure, then they popped, like fireworks.”

Sept. 23
“It is a chilly morning, so I decided to put on my suit jacket for church, then I thought to myself, this is unbelievable, this suit jacket that I put on weeks earlier, was to small on me, so I left it, now it felt so big and fit just perfectly, so I told my family about it, very excitedly.”

“Today when I was on the phone, I  heard my voice had changed and asked myself, what just happened?”

Sept. 24
“Today I realized, I feel not fatigued anymore and when I was at work, I could enjoy my work with a rested and energized body.”

Sept. 25
“Not only do I feel better physically, I am stronger spiritually, Jesus still does miracles.”

Sept. 26
“I had a massage today, which helped a lot more than before, because of the 5 minutes Block Therapy exercises I do every day.”

Sept. 27
“My skin on my face has improved a lot. What an interesting and awesome week of health and body transformation this is.”

90 Days To A Whole New You – 5 Minutes a Day and be Transformed!

My 90-day program gives many simple life changing practices that will transform all aspects of your life. Especially if you have issues with digestion, anxiety, weight problems, these new habits you will learn will be sure to guide you to an improved level of health and vitality.

Breathe & Believe,
Deanna Hansen


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