News! Rotatory Scoliosis, Block Class & more!

Update on Christopher’s Journey with Rotatory Scoliosis

I have been working with Christopher for one year now and I am excited to update you on his progress (see past blog post on Christopher’s journey). He has so much more energy, is eating more, is spending more time with his friends and is all around more active. I am so thrilled for him as he knows he is getting better and what he has learned and survived through – there are no courses to teach you that!

Christopher – Rotatory Scoliosis – Before & After Treatment

Treatment for Scoliosis

September Block Class

I am pleased to say that my September Block Class sold out – Yay, and October is filling up quickly!  We will be getting testimonials from people in the class along the way so stay connected to hear peoples’ experience.

I have also hired Tina Lussier, a social media expert, to help me get my message out to the world. She just finished a year of treatment for Hepatitis C and is now starting with me to get her health back on track (see Tina’s intro video testimonial below). We will keep you up to date with her progress and experience, as both a personal patient and a student of the block class.

Tina’s intro video testimonial – ‘Before’

Breathe & Believe,

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