30 Day Posture Reset – New Year, New Alignment, New Outlook

It’s 2022, and what a ride the last 2 years have been. There have been many upsets in the world which has caused a lot of turmoil to individuals and families alike. We understand the toll this can take on your body, mind and emotions.

We want to support you so that you can begin this year with a new outlook and a new alignment. We will be having a contest, but different than ever before.

Beginning January 20th, together we are going to work through a 30 day full body posture reset. This will be delivered from our membership and will contain an introductory version requiring only 1 block, as well as offer an advanced version including many double blocking classes for those of you wanting to ramp it up!

There will also be weekly Zoom calls so that we can work through this together and be here to support you as you pull out past trauma and frustrations, old patterns of movement, outdated belief systems and to support you as questions arise.

As Block Therapy is so much more than a physical practice, we would love to hear from as many of you as possible: the changes you experience. These can include physical improvements, changes to your mood, your outlook, your energy and anything else you wish to share.

The Block Therapy team will review your submissions and choose the top 5 who have articulated the inner workings of this practice. Each of these individuals will receive a $50 credit to the Block Therapy store and be asked to do a video testimonial with our team to share the changes.  The top 3 will be given 3 months for free in the membership.

Let’s make 2022 a year full of possibilities to live a life of joy and health. Let’s take healing our mind, body and spirit into our own hands. Let’s connect together so that as a community we can build strength within and know we are all supported. Let’s make 2022 the best year ever!

Happy New Year to you, from the Block Therapy Team!

Breathe & Believe

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