Block Therapy Classes In Saskatoon Coming Soon!

Very soon, there will be Block Therapy classes in Saskatoon!

Things are happening. There is a lot of action going on behind the scenes and in a very short time, Block Therapy will be recognized on a whole new level. I am so pleased that I have attracted world-class individuals to help me share this message so stay tuned; we are about to blow you away!

It is so exciting to see Block Therapy growing beyond Winnipeg! Our two newest graduates from our online teacher training program are located in Saskatoon, SK! Congratulations to Jana Danielson of Lead Pilates and Susan Livingstone! I’m looking forward to seeing you fill your  Block Therapy classes in Saskatoon!

Block Therapy Classes Are In High Demand!

Block Therapy classes in Saskatoon is just the beginning! Currently, there are teachers-in-training in Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Yukon and The Bahamas. If you are considering becoming a Certified Fluid Isometrics Block Therapy Instructor, NOW is the time to begin! Our teachers are in high demand. One Block Therapy Instructor has even been offered the opportunity to teach at Five Star Resorts all over the Caribbean. Our Winnipeg Instructors’ schedules are full, and there are now Block Therapy classes available at numerous locations almost every single day throughout the city.

Now Is The Time To Become A Block Therapy Instructor!

If you know someone who may be interested in an exciting new career, tell them about this unique opportunity to be among the first wave of Certified Block Therapy Instructors. We are embarking on some exciting new adventures and the teachers are the focus. I need individuals to learn and embrace the message to teach others how to self-care in order to take Block Therapy to the masses. There is no better time than now to start this exciting adventure, the momentum and world-class quality of people on board is phenomenal.

Learn more about the online Block Therapy Teacher Training Program.

Breathe & Believe



Watch for Block Therapy classes in Saskatoon!
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