Private Block Therapy Classes Now Available

Private block therapy classes home fitness classes

Private Block Therapy classes with Quinn Castelane and
Heather Whitla are now available by appointment.
  • Can’t make it to class?
  • Uncomfortable working out in public?
  • Chronic pain preventing you from leaving home?
  • Healing from injury?

We will bring the healing power of Fluid Isometrics to you with Private Block Therapy Classes in the comfort of  your own home.

You’ll receive one-on-one instruction on how to breathe properly and use Block Therapy to improve your life and over-all health. You can choose to have a regular Intro Block Therapy class – or we can customize the workout to your specific health needs.

You can choose to book regular Private Block Therapy classes or until you feel ready to join a class.

The regular Intro Block Therapy classes consist of the following:

Core class – Release compressed tissue in the belly and rib cage, granting deeper access to the diaphragm muscle. This work benefits all the systems in the body because better functioning of the diaphragm dramatically increases oxygenation to the cells and the abdominal organs. Heart and lungs receive improved blood and energy flow, allowing the body to function more efficiently as a whole.

Legs class – Melt compressed tissue in the pelvis and legs. Improve circulation to the organs of reproduction and elimination, legs and feet. Benefits muscle function as well as improves the appearance of tissue.

Head, Neck and Arms – Melt compressed tissue in the upper body, arms, neck and face. This improves muscle function, tissue appearance and realigns the head, taking off pressure from the upper back and neck. Increased circulation benefits all the structures in the area, including the brain, hair, eyes and thyroid gland and provides an improvement in the quality and appearance of the skin.

Benefits of Block Therapy

  • Weight loss
  • Reduced cellulite
  • Pain management
  • Improved circulation
  • Improved lymphatic drainage
  • Reduced anxiety
  • Overall increase in energy
  • Marked improvement in posture
  • Increased range of motion, flexibility and strength
  • Healthier skin & hair

Private Block Therapy classes with either Heather or Quinn require the Block Buddy and are available by appointment only.

Cost: $75.00 per hour

Book your Private Block Therapy class now

call 204 452-1175 or email [email protected]

Join Fluid Isometrics on Facebook for daily tips to improve your overall health.


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