Living in the Moment

Living in the moment requires you to be a conscious breather. Once you bring the body into balance, living in the moment becomes natural. For the diaphragm muscle to work as it is designed, you need to have a core that is aligned. This gives you full access to this powerful, magical muscle. I refer to it as being magical, because when you are conscious and focus on it, every aspect of your physiology changes.

If you have a boat and both an inboard and outboard motor, the inboard motor is obviously what you would use to drive the boat any distance and at any speed. The outboard motor isn’t meant for this purpose, and although it will propel the boat, it has a very different capacity. Similarly, the diaphragm can drive the body far and wide and has an incredible capacity. The muscles of the upper chest when used continually, will expire at an earlier time, as this is not the job they are meant to do.
If you have a boat and both an inboard and outboard motor, the inboard motor is obviously what you would use to drive the boat any distance and at any speed. The outboard motor isn’t meant for this purpose, and although it will propel the boat, it has a very different capacity. Similarly, the diaphragm can drive the body far and wide and has an incredible capacity. The muscles of the upper chest when used continually, will expire at an earlier time, as this is not the job they are meant to do.

To live a life of peace, you need to be able to relax. In Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now, he mentions that only when we are breathing diaphragmatically that we are living in the moment. One of the many changes that occurs with the diaphragmatic breath is that the brain waves are in a relaxed state, compared to the upper chest breath which creates a stressful frequency. This breeds fear, and fear isn’t real -- It is False Energy Acting Real. This brain pattern keeps you focused on the past and future. The past is a memory, the future is a thought; neither are real. He also mentions that the ego thrives on negativity, so to be locked in this breathing pattern literally feeds fear lifelong.
The wonderful thing about living in the moment is that each opportunity is unique. When you are able to connect to all cells and hear the messages they share, every second becomes an opportunity to change and open yourself to new possibilities. Something in the past that may have triggered stress can become a spark of inspiration to a new solution or innovation. It allows you to re-establish meanings of old and to shine a light on the darkness to eliminate fear.
You have prepared your body for a new alignment, and with this comes a new perspective. Everything takes on new meaning as you embrace the understanding that life is always changing. This means that nothing from the past needs to lock you in a story that doesn’t serve you; worrying about the future is only a waste of time. Mark Twain was quoted as saying, “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened.”
What would it be like to live with the kind of freedom that living in the moment provides? What would it be like to be able to release your body, mind and soul from old wounds, past traumas and outdated beliefs? I believe that this is the time we are supposed to change the story and become better versions of ourselves, which will influence others around you to do the same. Our future and those of the generations to come depend on what we do today.
This world is in a state of chaos. Fear is the driver, and most don’t realize they can move away from this story and create a better world. By taking the time to look after your needs, you give yourself the energy and momentum to encourage change in others, through the change in your frequency. It really is that simple. To change what is going on outside yourself, change what’s going on within. Often, we feel we don’t have a say or control in any outcome in the world, but you do. Living in the moment is the most potent way to affect change, and no one can stop you from being a conscious breather.
So, continue to look after you, be the best version you can be to others and see how much life can bloom with opportunity, love and abundance. Be the example, you are meant to thrive!
Breathe & Believe
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